My inbox doesn't update with new email automatically
For probably 6 months or more my Inbox will not update with new email as they come in automatically. I have to close and re-open Thunderbird to see a new email. Even if I hit Get Messages, it doesn't update with new email when I know there is one (see in phone or if I restart Thunderbird). It would update prior to this time.
All Replies (7)
Restart Thunderbird with add-ons disabled (Thunderbird Safe Mode). On the Help menu, click on "Restart with Add-ons Disabled". If Thunderbird works like normal, there is an Add-on or Theme interfering with normal operations. You will need to re-enable add-ons one at a time until you locate the offender.
Matt, I'm afraid that didn't help. It shows everything disabled (plugins, extensions, etc.) and still won't receive new email automatically or if I hit Get Messages. It does not show any add-ons installed.
Please add the troubleshooting information to your post To find the Troubleshooting information:
- Open Help (or click on three-line-icon and select Help)
- Choose Troubleshooting Information
- Use the button Copy to clipboard to select all. Do not check box "Include account names"!
- Paste this in your post.
Please also add the result of these troubleshooting steps to your post
- Do you use anti-virus and firewall software? What is the version?
- Who is the email provider?
- Who is the internet provider?
-I use McAfee Internet security, version 14, release 14.0 R10. -The email provider that I'm having trouble with is Charter. I actually have both Charter and my Gmail account on Thunderbird. Gmail seems to update automatically and when I click Get Messages, but not the Charter account. However, it used to. -Internet provider is also Charter. Below is the troubleshooting info. (Thanks for any help!)
Application Basics
Name: Thunderbird Version: 45.4.0 User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/45.4.0 Profile Folder: Show Folder
(Local drive) Application Build ID: 20160928132736 Enabled Plugins: about:plugins Build Configuration: about:buildconfig Memory Use: about:memory
Mail and News Accounts account1: INCOMING: account1, , (imap) imap.charter.net:143, plain, passwordCleartext OUTGOING: , smtp.charter.net:25, plain, passwordCleartext, true
account2: INCOMING: account2, , (none) Local Folders, plain, passwordCleartext
account3: INCOMING: account3, , (imap) imap.gmail.com:993, SSL, OAuth2 OUTGOING: , smtp.gmail.com:465, SSL, OAuth2, true
Crash Reports http://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/bp-e9ab11dd-fdc6-4088-84fd-90ed12140121 (1/21/2014)
Extensions Lightning, 4.7.4, false, {e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103} McAfee Anti-Spam Thunderbird Extension, 2.0, false, msktbird@mcafee.com
Important Modified Preferences
Name: Value
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Adapter Description: ATI Radeon HD 5450 Vendor ID: 0x1002 Device ID: 0x68f9 Adapter RAM: 512 Adapter Drivers: aticfx64 aticfx64 aticfx64 aticfx32 aticfx32 aticfx32 atiumd64 atidxx64 atidxx64 atiumdag atidxx32 atidxx32 atiumdva atiumd6a atitmm64 Driver Version: 8.960.11.1000 Driver Date: 4-25-2012 Direct2D Enabled: false DirectWrite Enabled: false (6.2.9200.21976) ClearType Parameters: ClearType parameters not found WebGL Renderer: Google Inc. -- ANGLE (ATI Radeon HD 5450 Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0) -- OpenGL ES 2.0 (ANGLE GPU Accelerated Windows: 0
AzureCanvasBackend: skia AzureSkiaAccelerated: 0 AzureFallbackCanvasBackend: cairo AzureContentBackend: cairo
Incremental GC: 1
Activated: 0 Prevent Accessibility: 0
Library Versions
Expected minimum version Version in use
NSPR 4.12 4.12
NSS 3.21.1 Basic ECC 3.21.1 Basic ECC
NSS Util 3.21.1 3.21.1
NSS SSL 3.21.1 Basic ECC 3.21.1 Basic ECC
NSS S/MIME 3.21.1 Basic ECC 3.21.1 Basic ECC
Wrt McAfee see https://wiki.mozilla.org/Thunderbird:Testing:Antivirus_Related_Performance_Issues#McAfee
Wrt Charter: There was a similar problem with GoDaddy a while ago which did affect many people, and GoDaddy were simply denying there was a problem at all. In the end they silently fixed it, whatever the problem was.
GoDaddy reference fyi: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1260724#c10
Even though not recently anymore there have been a lot of complaints in this forum from people using Charter about the very same problem. You'll need to complain to Charter. Tell them you're not the only one with the problem.
IIRC the issue is charter IMAP does not wrap folder names in quotes after the initial download. So subsequent fetches fail because the folder names are not correctly quoted by the server software
Guess I just can't use thunderbird with my charter email then unless I open and close it all the time. I'm sure charter won't do anything about it. It did work previously so they must have changed in the past year. Bummer!