Error code: SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP in Firefox Version 50 when tried to open https://www.esic.in
I have upgraded my Firefox to latest version i.e.50 but after up gradation to latest version I am not able to access the https://www.esic.in website. Whenever we try to open this site it's give an error messages Error code: SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP and do not allow to proceed further. I have installed Lastest java version on my window system. I have installed the certificate of esic.in website and also set the pref to about:config security.tls.insecure_fallback_hosts=www.esic.in but nothing is working.
Please help to resolve this issue.
All Replies (2)
The website needs to be updated. It has a F rating at https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=www.esic.in&hideResults=on
RC4 support has been completely removed in Firefox 50 as it is no longer able to be overridden. https://www.fxsitecompat.com/en-CA/docs/2016/rc4-support-has-been-completely-removed/
Hi james
Thanks for your reply. I would like to ask you one question. Upto what version Firefox support RC4?