When people reply to my emails, random question marks appear
I have Outgoing Mail and Incoming Mail set to Unicode (UTF-8). "When possible, use the default text encoding in replies" is checked. This problem started yesterday. I had a similar problem last year, which was cured by setting to Unicode.
Any assistance would be gratefully received.
All Replies (6)
Do the ? appear when your recipients view your mail, or just when you view mail they send (or both)?
Are you sending through an ATT/Yahoo account?
I've checked with one recipient, who says ????s appeared in the email I sent her, so I assume others will have had the same.
Yes, I'm using Yahoo.
Change the preference as suggested in the link in my first reply and see if it fixes the problem.
That seems to have worked. Thank you so much.
I am using Mozilla Thunderbird with windows. An update has made tabbing and spacing showing ???? Example:
?????? ?????? ?????? tabs ???????? spacing
My email is jeantennis@verizon.net
Help! please
I am using Mozilla Thunderbird with windows. An update has made tabbing and spacing showing ???? Example:
?????? ?????? ?????? tabs ???????? spacing
My email is jeantennis@verizon.net
Help! please