Any more than 6 tabs won't load FF 66 Win 7 64 bit
Each new tab is set to be FF search. But any more than six tabs and the seventh just hangs won't load the page. I hvae to close one and then open a new one
Win 7 64 bit FF 66 64 bit
All Replies (17)
Menu > Help > Restart With Add-ons Disabled.
Also, please Edit your initial Post and click Share Data.
Hi FIREFOXED, I haven't noticed a limit on the built-in new tab page. What page is this --
Each new tab is set to be FF search.
jscher2000 said
Hi FIREFOXED, I haven't noticed a limit on the built-in new tab page. What page is this --Each new tab is set to be FF search.
the default ff home page. Google is the search engine
Pj said
Try: Menu > Help > Restart With Add-ons Disabled. Also, please Edit your initial Post and click 'Share Data'. ~Pj
did that
Each new tab is set to be FF search. But any more than six tabs and the seventh just hangs won't load the page. I hvae to close one and then open a new one Win 7 64 bit FF 66 64 bit
This sounds like a RAM issue. Does this action occur in other Browsers if you do the same actions?
WestEnd said
FIREFOXED saidEach new tab is set to be FF search. But any more than six tabs and the seventh just hangs won't load the page. I hvae to close one and then open a new one Win 7 64 bit FF 66 64 bitThis sounds like a RAM issue. Does this action occur in other Browsers if you do the same actions?
Not RAM . I have 16 GB RAM. Happens when only one third RAM in use. I don't use other browsers much
Did you try Firefox Safe Mode ?
Can you attach your troubleshooting information?
jscher2000 saidHi FIREFOXED, I haven't noticed a limit on the built-in new tab page. What page is this --Each new tab is set to be FF search.the default ff home page. Google is the search engine
The search engine shouldn't matter. Since these contents are built-in to Firefox, they shouldn't be subject to limitations on how many connections Firefox can open to a server. Hmm.
Could you try turning some categories on and off, and opening new tabs in between, to see whether updating your settings for the page helps? You can click the gear/wheel/sprocket icon in the upper right corner of the page, or use the Home panel of the Options/Preferences page.
i only have websearch ticked
cor-el said
Did you try Firefox Safe Mode ?
Can you attach your troubleshooting information?
i only have websearch ticked
Yes, I had figured that out from your screenshot and testing in a clean profile. I can still open more than 10 tabs rapid fire -- Ctrl+t over and over -- with that setup.
Do you want to try my suggestion?
Firefox wouldn't normally show a new tab page with the Firefox logo and no cogwheel button in the top right corner.
What is the URL of that new tab page and are you using an extension to set the new tab page? That is the main reason I asked for the troubleshooting information.
Share Data:
Go to the top of this page and off to the right of your Post you should see Edit This Post. Click on that and scroll down until you see the green Share Data button. Click that and scroll down and click Save....
I now have version 66.0.5. i tried disabling all the add on but still get the new tab hanging. see video
homepage and new windows is https://www.google.ie/ New tab is FF Home default
made homepage/new windows/new tab FF Home default. same. tab hangs won't open see video https://sendvid.com/o7tbyc4q
Application Basics
Name: Firefox Version: 66.0.5 Build ID: 20190507012018 Update Channel: release User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0 OS: Windows_NT 6.1 Multiprocess Windows: 1/1 Enabled by default Web Content Processes: 3/8 Enterprise Policies: Active Google Location Service Key: Found Google Safebrowsing Key: Found Mozilla Location Service Key: Found Safe Mode: false
Crash Reports
All Crash Reports Firefox Features
Name: Firefox Screenshots Version: 35.0.0 ID: screenshots@mozilla.org
Name: Form Autofill Version: 1.0 ID: formautofill@mozilla.org
Name: Web Compat Version: 3.0.2 ID: webcompat@mozilla.org
Name: WebCompat Reporter Version: 1.1.0 ID: webcompat-reporter@mozilla.org
Name: Adblock Plus - free ad blocker Version: 3.5.2 Enabled: true ID: {d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}
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Name: Cookie AutoDelete Version: 3.0.2 Enabled: true ID: CookieAutoDelete@kennydo.com
Name: Disable WebRTC Version: 1.0.20 Enabled: true ID: jid1-5Fs7iTLscUaZBgwr@jetpack
Name: Exif Viewer Version: 3.7.5 Enabled: true ID: exif_viewer@mozilla.doslash.org
Name: I don't care about cookies Version: 3.0.0 Enabled: true ID: jid1-KKzOGWgsW3Ao4Q@jetpack
Name: Privacy Possum Version: 2018.8.31 Enabled: true ID: woop-NoopscooPsnSXQ@jetpack
Name: CM Send Link Version: 0.5.1-signed.1-signed Enabled: false ID: cmsendlink@loveyland.com
Name: New Tab Homepage Version: 0.6.2 Enabled: false ID: {66E978CD-981F-47DF-AC42-E3CF417C1467}
Security Software
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Important Modified Preferences
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Think i fixed it. There was an FF in my C Programs (86) as well as in my C Programs. Think they were in conflict
I uninstalled FF from programs and features. Now it works OK but even though i have the FF in (86) folder which now reads FF 64 bit there is no FF in programs and features
The troubleshooting information shows: Enterprise Policies: Active It shows 64-bit Firefox 66.0.5 on Windows 7.
You can check the about:policies#active page to see whether/what policies are active.
thanks i had two FF's