Edit Office documents via Office Online server problem after latest update.
At our university, a lot of user are using Firefox to edit Office documents via our on premise Office Online Server. Our Office Online server is always at the latest release/update. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/officeonlineserver/office-online-server-release-schedule (There is no problem with Office online in Office 365)
Recently the users complaining that they cannot add text to an office document. No problem with other browsers. Problem: While you start typing, you see the text on the screen, but when you hit enter or select another position in the document, the new added text disappears. FireFox is now running at version 66.0.5 (64 bit)
Is this a bug in the latest release?
Kind regards,
All Replies (2)
Hi, it is a known bug.
You can fix it by yourself by entering about:config and setting dom.keyboardevent.keypress.hack.use_legacy_keycode_and_charcode = "*.gov.online.office365.us,*.officeapps-df.live.com.,*.officeapps.live.com,*.online.office.de,*.partner.officewebapps.cn,mail.notes.na.collabserv.com"
Plus add there your server URL.
See also: https://techdows.com/2019/03/mozilla-pulls-firefox-66-update-due-to-powerpoint-issue.html https://www.ghacks.net/2019/03/22/firefox-66-has-powerpoint-and-word-bugs-fix-available/ https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1536453#c42
Thank you for this quick fix.
Only this is not scalable, because we have more than 10 thousand employees who are not all in the local domain and therefore it is not possible to resolve this problem remotely.
I hope that they find a permanent fix very soon.
Kind regards,