The first video under "You Tube Videos" on my index page does not show up.
Very strange things are happening with my html updates. On my website page, #1- the first video under "You Tube Videos" on my index page does not show up. #2 - The link from my BEAKING NEWS headline brings me to this page: https://waterwellsandpumps.com/errorpage.html from my computer, but resolves properly on all others. Please help. My site is https://www.plannedparrothood.com/.
All Replies (2)
Screen of the issue might give more visual to what is going on and links to the problem video helps here as well. This so others looking and compare or recreate the problem if they can.
Thank you for your quick reply. I hope nobody else is getting this url response. Attaching 4 screenshots of the link and then how it resolves on my computer, the video that showed up properly a few hours ago, and the html link behind it. So strange! Hope you can give me some insight on why this is happening.