Why can't I choose my own preferred start page?
Why can't I set my own preferred home page? Other browsers allow it. Your Linux version allows it. Why not your Android version?
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I'm having same problems on Android TV box I've just gave up on chrome as it uses to much memory n gives little in return I thought I'd try Firefox as I used it way back in the early 1990's n thought by now it shouldn't be so buggy n run smooth? Seems I'm wrong? Firstly didn't recognise my Google password when synchronizing so now I'm using two passwords go figure? Then found I can't personalize my home page n wasn't given many options to try n make a build arround ? Links ect...ect? Found a lot missing n little to no help in fixing things? So I joined this figured if I answer what I do know n actively involve myself I might get help I need n help others while trying? I figure if we all keep trying n tell each other our findings n failure's we'll get answers faster find faults quickly find work arounds n give builders jobs we as uses feel need fixing n building making Firefox a place worthy of our time n use? I'm not ready to give up until I find it if anyone in Firefox cares, listens or even gives a flying fuck? Cos I know for sure nobody at chrome does after giving my all to a beta version for 2yrs n never getting what we begged pleaded and asked for all fell on death ears? Firefox is my last hope for android and its search engines and communities?