Missing addressbook
HI There, Opened thunderbird on new Wind 11 laptop, all files and folders were present,but no address book. how do I recover
All Replies (14)
I'm unclear on details. Is this version 102 and it worked yesterday? Or did you just upgrade to 102? Thanks.
Hi David,
Both computers are version 102.
The steps I went through are these.
- Installed Thunderbird on new l/top. Program loaded with the majority of files and folders in place..
- Deleted Thunderbird on old computer.
- Discovered that address book on new l/top was missing.
There may be a bug. I reported this, as several others in past few weeks had similar problem.
Is there a work around to restore my Address Book, or is it lost for good?
My fear is that it's lost. The file may still be on old computer. Look at c:\users\<yourID>\appdata\roaming\thunderbird\profiles - the prefix would be abook, and file name would be abook.sqlite or abook.mab, depending on how old your prior Thunderbird version was. I also suggest looking on new computer in same location to see if it got moved somewhere else.
\Now here's a thing. i have just re-downloaded Thunderbird on my old computer Windows 10. My address book is available for use. My new Laptop is a windows 11 install. Is this where th problem lies?
This is interesting. The bug is on file and I will ask that it be pursued with your info. Please do the following: - exit thunderbird on both machines - in Windows file explorer, copy the abook entries from old pc to new computer, storing in the profile. - start Thunderbird and confirm that it works or doesn't. Then let me know so I can update the info on the bug.
To clarify, how did you move account to new computer? Did you copy the profile manually, or did you use the new 102 import feature? I need that level of detail to report this properly. Thanks for your help. david
I installed Thunderbird from the internet, nothing more. The program appeared complete with messages files and folders. I didn't know about the Import facility.
There will be a delay of a few days as I will need help with locating files, and reporting accurately
Thanks. So addressbook was empty, but present on windows 10 and no addressbook at all on windows 11. But your earlier post indicated your files and folders were there, indicating that you had been using Thunderbird on old computer. What am I misunderstanding? Thanks for your help - and patience.
Yes, 'In Box' Files and Folders were present on Windows 11, but no address book entries. Windows 10 was as it should be working normally. As to Program Files and Folders, these are present, but not exactly named as the string you suggest. I am going to talk to my friend Doug and ask for his help.
Old address book files should still be in the profile directory as mab.bak files IIRC.
David and Wayne,
Thank you both for you help. My friend followed the advice given and the address book is now installed safely on the Windows 11 computer.
Let me get this straight. You installed Thunderbird on your new computer, configured your IMAP account and when everything downloaded you worked out your address book you did not actually move from your old computer was missing.
Does that summarize this?