I can't access google groups I keep getting redirected and not sent to the group help please?
I have memberships to multiple google groups while I can access the main page listing the groups I am in. I click to access anyone of my groups, I keep getting redirected. and I can't I am using the latest version of Firefox and I am using a Windows 7 64 bit operating system.
URL of affected sites
All Replies (16)
I have the same problem, but I believe it's a problem with the Google Groups website, but the problem is that their contact forum is also a Google Group, and it's down too. There is no way to contact them about the problem. Here's the website where you can contact Google, if you can contact Google:
you have to remove all google related cookies not just groups.google.*
Just a note, you haev to remove all google-related cookies noty just groups.google.* google will prompt you to login again and the problem should be fixed.
I just went to "Tools", "Clear Recent History", selected "everything" and made sure "cookies" was checked.
It seemed the most simple and quick way, for me. T
Same problem on groups.google.com (Android groups in my case) using updated Firefox 3.6.4 today. Already had the problem for some days with Firefox 3.6.3.
Clearing all google cookies worked for me.
Same problem here. Only just started. I like to keep up to date with a couple Google Groups and I'm getting the infinite redirect fault only with Firefox. IE works fine though, but I don't usually use IE.
Thrilled to see we're all having the same problem and Firefox and Google are doing nothing to solve it!
Problems solved by removing the cookies:
Went to Tools | Options | Privacy, and clicked "clear individual cookies", then searched for "groups.google.com", and removed all the cookies.
It's happening to me too - with Chrome.
Problem started after I was asked to confirm my login.
SAME PROBLEM. chrome works, looks like google is trying to make us switch... screw them
the cookies trick worked for me. thanks a lot!
Thanks. Clearing google cookies worked for me :)
Same Problem, all browsers. What is going on?
A simple fix: The problem is being caused by your cache/cookie locker/history archives being 'dirtied.'
In firefox: 1. Go to Tools --> Clear Recent History 2. Select "Everything" in the Time Range to Clear list box 3. Click the Details button if not already showing all choices 4. Select all checkboxes 5. Select 'ClearNow' button and wait for cleaning to take place
I have done this on the two computers this problem showed up on; it is usually after some intense browsing, using many of the Google apps or having multiple Google log-in accounts.
Take care, PNanouk