Problem with css errors
My error console keeps showing lots of css script errors on sites like facebook, google, and even here. I have firefox 3.6.13, adblock plus, no script with java NOT globally allowed, however the sites in question are allowed. I have the most recent java.
Here is an example of one of the dropped CSS lines:
Warning: Unknown property 'border-radius'. Declaration dropped. Source File: https://support.mozilla.com/media/css/questions-min.css?build=3844d67 Line: 1
All Replies (2)
You can ignore (CSS) errors in the Tools > Error Console.
Those errors are only useful if you develop websites and want to check the HTML/CSS and JavaScript code for errors.
Most errors are code for other browsers like IE or browsers on other platforms or unsupported code for newer browsers or just typos or the result of bad coding.
If you do not have specific problems then there is nothing to worry about.
The thing is, I do have specific problems with these errors. Especially on facebook and google, the CSS errors are preventing posts being made, or accessing content from google.
From Google:
Warning: Expected declaration but found '*'. Skipped to next declaration. Source File: http://www.google.com/search?q=pomplamoose&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#q=pomplamoose&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbo=u&tbs=vid:1&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wv&fp=83f87efc6f926f13 Line: 7