browser.newtab.url in firefox dev 41.0a2 gives me the normal about:newtab page
When i upgraded to firefox dev 41.0a2 today and opened a new tab it had brung me to the about:newtab page instead of about:home that i had set in the about:config.
모든 댓글 (4)
Hello, confirm that. Bug indeed. Also in my 41.0a2 any change (site changes) in browser.newtab.url bring me to the about:newtab page.
thank you
To ...update, please see : The browser.newtab.url preference is abused and should be removed (Bug 1118285)
see also : Bug 1179101 - NewTabURL object doesn't work in mozilla.cfg configuration file
(please do not comment in bug reports)
thank you
글쓴이 ideato 수정일시
Note that you can re-add support for the browser.newtab.url pref via this code in the mozilla.cfg file.
You can consider to use a modified pref name like browser.newtab.URL in order not to defeat this change.
// try{ var newTabURL = getPref("browser.newtab.url"); Components.utils.import("resource:///modules/NewTabURL.jsm"); NewTabURL.override(newTabURL); } catch(e){}
Use this command in the Browser Console (Firefox/Tools > Web Developer) to set the new tab page from the browser.newtab.URL pref during Firefox runtime.
newTabURL = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPrefService) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPrefBranch2).getCharPref("browser.newtab.url"); NewTabURL.override(newTabURL);
An extension that you can use instead:
- New Tab Override (browser.newtab.url replacement): https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/new-tab-override/
글쓴이 cor-el 수정일시
cor-el you are awesome, thanks :-):-)