Address book contact pane shows partial or incorrect contact info
An running V 45.1.1 on Win 10 machine. In my addressbook, when I simply select (NOT double-click on) a name in my personal contact list, the contact window below the list, is supposed to show the info about that selected person i.e. (phone #s, address, person info, URLs, etc.). However... MY contact pane is now totally erratic and sometimes shows SOME of that info (usually just Display Name and e-mail addy only) but more often it shows all the info of a completely different person in my contact list (frequently the info of the contact just above or below it!).
Fortunately, if i double-click the contact, the individual's info window opens showing the ACTUAL and CORRECT info for that person. But something is completely glitchy with the display function of the contact pane as it relates to the list of contacts directly above it.
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To diagnose problems with Thunderbird, try the following:
- Restart Thunderbird with add-ons disabled (Thunderbird Safe Mode). On the Help menu, click on "Restart with Add-ons Disabled". If Thunderbird works like normal, there is an Add-on or Theme interfering with normal operations. You will need to re-enable add-ons one at a time until you locate the offender.