Using Windows Vista, my Firefox webpages 'smear' as I scroll down.
Text and pictures smear and stretch as I scroll down through pages. See attached. It seems to quit doing this if I run with Add Ons disabled, but I am not sure which add on could cause this. Been using Firefox for years on this system and this is a first. Image attached.
For whatever reason, I long ago stopped using IE, as it doesn't work at all.
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hello, probably that's an issue with hardware acceleration - as there are no more updates available for your dated graphics hardware, please try to disable hardware acceleration in the firefox menu ≡ > options > advanced > general (that setting will take a restart of the browser to take effect).
hi again, mozilla's developer's are looking into the issue but are looking for more information. if disabling hardware acceleration helped in your case, would you be so kind to run another test for us:
- first please re-enable hardware-acceleration in the firefox menu ≡ > options > advanced > general again and restart the browser.
- download and install firefox 48.0.2 again from https://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-48.0.2&os=win
- in firefox 48.0.2 go to the menu ≡ > help ? > troubleshooting information, copy the contents of that page and paste them here into a reply on the forum? this will help us understand the issue...
thanks a lot! (afterwards you can update to 49 and disable hwa again for the moment)
Well, I disabled hardware acceleration as you asked. I will give it a day to see if it works as I usually only use this PC in the mornings.
We'll see.
thanks, if you could do the downgrade procedure to 48 and taking a snapshot of the about:support data there as soon as it is possible this would be of great help!
Okay, when I click your link to perform the 'downgrade' it takes me to a download of Firefox 49.0.1, not the Firefox 48.0.2 you mention. I dunno how to correct that. Attached is a screenshot.
I think I've got it:
Application Basics
Name: Firefox Version: 48.0.2 Build ID: 20160823121617 Update Channel: release User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:48.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/48.0 OS: Windows_NT 6.0 x86 Multiprocess Windows: 0/1 (Disabled) Safe Mode: false
Crash Reports for the Last 3 Days
All Crash Reports
Name: Adblock Plus Version: 2.7.3 Enabled: true ID: {d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}
Name: Firefox Hello Version: 1.4.4 Enabled: true ID: loop@mozilla.org
Name: Multi-process staged rollout Version: 1.1 Enabled: true ID: e10srollout@mozilla.org
Name: Pocket Version: 1.0.4 Enabled: true ID: firefox@getpocket.com
Name: HP Smart Web Printing Version: 4.0 Enabled: false ID: smartwebprinting@hp.com
Name: Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant Version: 0.0.0 Enabled: false ID: {20a82645-c095-46ed-80e3-08825760534b}
Name: Skype Click to Call Version: Enabled: false ID: {82AF8DCA-6DE9-405D-BD5E-43525BDAD38A}
Features Compositing: Basic Asynchronous Pan/Zoom: none WebGL Renderer: Google Inc. -- ANGLE (Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family Direct3D9Ex vs_3_0 ps_3_0) Hardware H264 Decoding: No; Hardware video decoding disabled or blacklisted Direct2D: Blocked for your graphics driver version. DirectWrite: false (7.0.6002.23845) GPU #1 Active: Yes Description: Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family Vendor ID: 0x8086 Device ID: 0x2a02 Driver Version: Driver Date: 2-26-2009 Drivers: igdumdx32 igd10umd32 Subsys ID: 30cc103c RAM: Unknown
Diagnostics AzureCanvasAccelerated: 0 AzureCanvasBackend: skia AzureContentBackend: cairo AzureFallbackCanvasBackend: cairo
Important Modified Preferences
browser.cache.disk.capacity: 358400 browser.cache.disk.filesystem_reported: 1 browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run: false browser.cache.disk.smart_size.use_old_max: false browser.cache.frecency_experiment: 1 browser.download.folderList: 2 browser.download.importedFromSqlite: true browser.download.manager.alertOnEXEOpen: true browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion: 8 browser.sessionstore.upgradeBackup.latestBuildID: 20160823121617 browser.startup.homepage: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html browser.startup.homepage_override.buildID: 20160823121617 browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone: 48.0.2 dom.apps.lastUpdate.buildID: 20160922113459 dom.apps.lastUpdate.mstone: 49.0.1 dom.apps.reset-permissions: true extensions.lastAppVersion: 48.0.2 gfx.blacklist.direct2d: 3 gfx.blacklist.direct2d.failureid: FEATURE_FAILURE_DL_BLACKLIST_g984 gfx.crash-guard.d3d11layers.appVersion: 48.0.2 gfx.crash-guard.d3d11layers.deviceID: 0x2a02 gfx.crash-guard.d3d11layers.driverVersion: gfx.crash-guard.d3d11layers.feature-d2d: false gfx.crash-guard.d3d11layers.feature-d3d11: false gfx.crash-guard.status.d3d11layers: 2 media.gmp-eme-adobe.abi: x86-msvc-x86 media.gmp-eme-adobe.lastUpdate: 1474985669 media.gmp-eme-adobe.version: 17 media.gmp-gmpopenh264.abi: x86-msvc-x86 media.gmp-gmpopenh264.lastUpdate: 1474985653 media.gmp-gmpopenh264.version: 1.6 media.gmp-manager.buildID: 20160922113459 media.gmp-manager.lastCheck: 1474997252 media.gmp-widevinecdm.abi: x86-msvc-x86 media.gmp-widevinecdm.lastUpdate: 1474985673 media.gmp-widevinecdm.version: media.gmp.storage.version.observed: 1 media.hardware-video-decoding.failed: false network.cookie.prefsMigrated: true network.predictor.cleaned-up: true places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages: 80261 plugin.disable_full_page_plugin_for_types: application/pdf plugin.importedState: true
Important Locked Preferences
Incremental GC: true
Activated: false Prevent Accessibility: 0
Library Versions
NSPR Expected minimum version: 4.12 Version in use: 4.12
NSS Expected minimum version: 3.24 Basic ECC Version in use: 3.24 Basic ECC
NSSSMIME Expected minimum version: 3.24 Basic ECC Version in use: 3.24 Basic ECC
NSSSSL Expected minimum version: 3.24 Basic ECC Version in use: 3.24 Basic ECC
NSSUTIL Expected minimum version: 3.24 Version in use: 3.24
Experimental Features
thanks a lot!