SCCM Deployment of Firefox 65 msi not detecting, no msi guid found even with powershell get-wmiobject.
Trying the new msi for firefox for deployment through SCCM. The application install correctly but does not detect properly. SCCM uses the msi GUID to verify the application installed but fails to see it. I checked the Identifying Number through PowerShell on the machine using: get-wmiobject Win32_Product | Format-Table IdentifyingNumber, name
But no result is shown for Firefox. When Firefox is imported into SCCM it does generate a GUID to detect {1294A4C5-9977-480F-9497-C0EA1E630130} but it can't be found after install. Even when installing directly from the msi without SCCM.
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I have also identified that when you right click and choose "uninstall" the application returns an error "This action is only valid for products that are currently installed." Seems the msi can't detect it self. No GUID found from what I can tell.
Not sure if you ever found your answer, but in my detection method the clause is a registry setting.
Hive: HKLM Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Mozilla Firefox 65.0.1 (x64 en-US) Value:DisplayVersion DataType: String Operator: Equals Value:65.0.1