How can I change the default save location to sd card android
Please help. I like to change the default save location to the Sd card. Samsung Android phone
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Thank you. I tried but didn't work.
I tried that already not working. Thank you
I do not believe this is curently possible in Firefox for Android, but this is something that may be included in a future update.
Time to jump the ship to chrome. I love Mozilla Firefox. But that feature I love. Saving downloaded files to sd card is very important because of phone memory is full.
If anyone has more info, please let me know. Thank you
This is currently not a feature of Firefox for Android due to restrictions with the Android platform, but it is something we keep under review and hope we can include in a future update.
This and similar questions are asked frequently 'on the web' and there are many answers about changing the settings of browser.download.dir and browser.download.folderList and browser.download.downloadsDir in order to make it work. It would really be useful to know which options/settings in about:config work in android. It would be LOVELY if they did, but just tell us! And, as another person noted, Chrome has a one-click storage setting to put all downloads on the sdcard w/o having to worry about directory names or paths. So it CAN be done. thanks...