Incorrect resolution in mobile and desktop mode
Firefox reports Incorrect resolution in mobile and desktop mode
while real screen resolution is QHD firefox in both modes reports 980 x 511 while for mobile mode this can be somewhat OK (but it is 3x from screen resolution)
for desktop mode it is completely incorrect and sites displayed in very wrong way. How to make firefox to report correct screen resolution in desktop mode?
Google Chrome reports incorrect but somewhat usable 1400x900 which is about 1.7x not 3x like firefox seen on dev.jeffersonscher.com/resolution.html
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The desktop mode is primarily there to assist where a site does not provide a mobile experience. It does display a desktop site, but ultimately sites should have a usable mobile site that will work.
There is no need for mobile site for 12 inch tablet device And there is no need for 3x smaller reported resolution of window by firefox And many professional sites dont have mobile versions or mobile version not intended for work just for rough view
A 12 inch tablet is still a mobile device, and the mobile interface is optimised for touch screen.
I guess we have different definitions of "most sites", but I hope we can agree that it is best practice to have a good mobile experience when building a website.
I personally dont agree that good mobile experience exists at all, many sites and even apps very bad on mobile even site/app like facebook better to use through web browser in desktop mode than app or mobile site version
mostly every site in mobile experience make text very big so it become less readable than unscaled version...
I agree that it is goo to create goo mobile experience but by default there is no one.
And all this just totally nor related to original question and user issue. You try to say that issue is not exist and just say nothng that can help resolve it.
Would it be possible for you to supply screenshots that demonstrate the issue that you have?
This is the same info like in OP just in screenshots if you like:
there you clearly can see that firefox is outsider among all other browsers in term of correct site scale
I have looked into this a bit further and it may be connected to this bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1598487
You can follow that link for progress on this issue.
Looks like no one care about this bug for 2 years already :( Sad :(
It was last looked at a few months ago, and it depends on other issues being resolved first.
I am going to close this support ticket now, but feel free to follow that bug for progress.