Unable to restore backup bookmarks after having to refresh
Hi, i've tried reading the existing articles but i'm not very technical and don't understand most of it. Firefox kept freezing and crashing this morning so I clicked the recommended Refresh, not realizing this would kill all my bookmarks. I have tried to restore my bookmakrs (over5,000!) using the restore method, but I get an error message saying it cannot process the request - I really don't want to lose all my bookmarks but i'm struggling with the overly technical advice i've seen, can you help please?
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Try this: 1. Press CTRL+SHIFT+O. A window titled "Library" should open. 2. Find and click a button that says "Import and Backup" This button is located in the bar near the top of the window. After clicking this button a drop menu will show. 3. In this menu select the option that says "Restore". It should be the second from top. After clicking this button another drop menu will show. 4. In this menu there should be several backups of your bookmarks. For example "January 13, 2022 (8,5 kb - 83 items)" 5. If there are backups select one and confirm. 6. If there are no backups or backups with no bookmarks, let's check your profiles.
To check your profiles type "about:profiles" in your adress bar. After doing so you will see a page diplaying your profiles. On this page there might be several profiles, one of them migh have your bookmarks. To switch between profiles click button that says "Set as default profile" under the profile you want to switch to, then restart Firefox. If there are many profiles try each of them until you have your bookmarks back.
If this didn't help see Recover lost or missing Bookmarks