Open Link in New Tab
Why did the programmers reverse the order of "Open Link in New Tab" and "Open Link in New Window"? I've been clicking on the wrong one ever since I upgraded to 4.
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You can install an add-on like Menu Editor to rearrange the order of menu items.
Thanks! This looks great, but appears to only let me edit the menu bar, not the context menu when I right-click on a link.
As an alternative, you can add the following code to userChrome.css file to solve your problem. It will move the "Open Link in New Window" menu to the top of the context menu:
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /* only needed once */
#contentAreaContextMenu > * { -moz-box-ordinal-group: 2; }
#context-openlink { -moz-box-ordinal-group: 1 !important; }
See this article for more on userChrome.css: http://kb.mozillazine.org/UserChrome.css.
For help in editing this file, see Editing Configuration.
This UI change is really stupid and useless. People got used to some specified menu items order. Changing this order could only annoy and anger.
Also the reload button has been relocated. This is another example of stupid Firefox 4 UI change. The good news is that it could easily be relocated to its original place.
It looks like the Firefox developers are suffering from idleness and boredom.
Totally agree about switching of two menu items. Doesn't make sense at all!
Now it's clear what happened when I tried to open a site in a new tab, but instead had it opened in another window, after installing FF 4.0.
Also, after working with Firefox 4 it's hard to work with Firefox 3.x on other machine. It's so stupid. I don't have any better words to say about this specified Firefox 4 UI change.
Just saying, I agree with you guys! Once accustomed to the FireFox 3 order it's just nervewracking to work with FireFox 4 now. There should at least be an option to reverse the order back to how it was before!
Things sometimes change in new versions. That means there may be a learning curve, but the new features may be worth it.
It should take about a day to get used to a couple of menu items being repositioned. It shouldn't generate anger. Cool it. If you can't get used to it in a reasonable time, you can go back to 3.6 here:
Must agree. This change is very irritating. I use the open in new tab option most of the time and so instinctively go for the second option in the menu. It doesn't help that it is also the second option in IE. Now it is in a different place in both!
Up to Firefox 8 and this is still a problem... It is so annoying to have to take SO MANY settings and tweaks to make the browser look like it did back in its prime (3.6)