Why has mozilla decided to fix what wasn't broke?
After trying 4.0 I have reverted back to 3.6.
The user interface has been changed for the worse in 4.0, i hardly know where to start.
The forward and back buttons no longer have an drop down menu next to them.
The title bar is no more, instead it's replaced with a firefox button in the weirdest place possible, and optional tabs that I never wanted in the first place.
The status bar doesn't stick around anymore.
The forward, back, history, bookmarks and reload button are bland to the point of being hard to identify.
Fonts seem to have a mind of their own, randomly losing their cleartype focus.
In short, it's a disaster, having spent hours trying to alter 4.0 to something near usable for me, it still wasn't acceptable and I'm relieved to be back, problem free, on 3.6.
4.0 is simply intolerable, you guys have fixed the bits that weren't broke, and it looks like my days with 3.6, and firefox are now numbered.
글쓴이 dodge135 수정일시
모든 댓글 (5)
1/ forward/back button - right-click on them to get the drop down list
2/ Titlebar is not displayed in maximized windows, if you want it always displayed you can use the Firefox 4 UI Fixer add-on - https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/firefox-4-ui-fixer
3/ You can use the Status-4-Evar add-on to make the add-ons bar behave like the status bar - https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/status-4-evar
4/ You can use a theme to change the appearance of the buttons, such as the Firefox 3 theme for Firefox 4 - https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/firefox-3-theme-for-firefox
Hey dodge,
You can right click on the back and forward buttons to get their history. And in general, you can make Firefox 4 look and behave pretty much like Firefox 3.6, just faster and with more support for new Web technologies. Here's an article about how to do that: http://blog.fligtar.com/2011/01/16/how-to-customize-firefox-4s-ui/
And about the fonts issue: https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/fonts-look-blurry
Also, you can move the Firefox button anywhere you want with this addon: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/movable-firefox-button/
Thanks for the replies, and i did install several addons including 'status4ever' and 'moveable firefox button' to change 4.0's appearance.
I saw the link for blurry fonts, although I could not fix the problem
I'll try again tomorrow, thank you all
@dodge135 You could try this addon: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/anti-aliasing-tuner/ It's supposed to help with the blurry fonts.
글쓴이 Efreak101 수정일시