Firefox shows an old version of a website and not the updated version
I have changed a Flash video on my website but FF still shows the old video. I looked at the source code and it is for the new version. In IE, I see the new version. I have cleared the history and cache on FF, but still see the old movie. I am using FF 4.0.1
The link to the video is: http://www.intrinsiccaptures.com/gallery.html
선택된 해결법
I'm not on Windows, so can't test if the WMP plugin can play the file.
I do not have a plugin on Linux that plays MIDI files embedded.
You can try to install the new WMP plugin to see if that plugin can handle the file.
- http://kb.mozillazine.org/Windows_Media_Player#Missing_plugin
- http://www.interoperabilitybridges.com/windows-media-player-firefox-plugin-download
모든 댓글 (8)
The page source show a different src (intrinsic%20captures.swf) for Firefox in the embed then IE see in the object param movie (intrinsic.swf)
So you need to change that and make both SWF links the same.
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="800" height="630" id="tech" align="middle"> <param name="movie" value="intrinsic.swf" /> <embed src="intrinsic%20captures.swf" quality="high" width="800" height="630" name="tech" align="middle" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" type= "application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /> </object>
글쓴이 cor-el 수정일시
Thank you for taking the time to help me, much appreciated. You were correct in your finding. I have changed the source code and FF now sees the new video.
But, now that it's corrected, FF does not play the midi file. It does play on IE and did play before I changed the Flash file code. Do I need a different code for midi files on FF? Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks again for your time.
글쓴이 bobkramer 수정일시
You can add a type attribute to the EMBED tag to make Firefox use a specific plugin.
If you use type="application/x-mplayer2" then the WMP plugin will play the file.
It is also better to move that code to the BODY section instead of placing it in the HEAD section (Firefox will move it to the body anyway).
<EMBED src="Ave_Maria_Bach.mid" type="application/x-mplayer2" autostart=true loop=true volume=100 hidden=true><NOEMBED><BGSOUND src="Ave_Maria_Bach.mid"></NOEMBED>
Thank you for your reply ........ I added your script into the body but still no music on FF. It still works on IE though. Maybe I did something incorrect?
선택된 해결법
I'm not on Windows, so can't test if the WMP plugin can play the file.
I do not have a plugin on Linux that plays MIDI files embedded.
You can try to install the new WMP plugin to see if that plugin can handle the file.
The embedded midi file plays fine in Firefox 4 on Windows 7 with the new WMP plugin.
My next question was going to be if I might be missing a plug-in ......and I was. This last message of yours fixed the problem for me on FF.
I really appreciate your help.....I would have been trying forever to solve this on my own.
Thanks again,
Thank you Alice ......I finally got it to play on my computer using FF. I appreciate you taking the time to write.