I uninstalled Firefox 5.0 and need to install Firefox v 4.0.01. Where can I find it?
Firefox 5.0 is incompatible with my Google toolbar. That's pretty much what I do on the internet: use my Google toolbar. So I unistalled 5.0 and now want to reinstall a prior version of Firefox but cannot find one.
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have same issue, even searching firefox 4 when you click to download it downloads firefox 5 ?
hi found this on my search http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/ just make sure u chose the correct operating system and language
thank you so much! Now I am up and running again and all is well. You rule!
hey i have a similar issue but after clicking the link. could you help me with it please id be very greatfulf
Keep using Firefox 5, it has better security. Google Toolbar still works just fine with Firefox 5, but until Google releases a toolbar compatible with Firefox 5, you need to disable add-on compatible versions verification. You can do this by installing Mozilla's Add-On Compatibility Reporter extension from https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/15003 and restarting Firefox twice. It basically tells Firefox to ignore the maximum compatible version so the toolbar can be enabled on version 5 too, not blocked just because Firefox releases major version numbers like mad just for the sake of catching up with IE9 and Chrome 12.
Thanks so much!!!!!!!! Now my google toolbar works wih firefox 5.