Cannot connect to "My Verizon"
Whenever I try to log into "My Verizon" I get an error as follows: You may be experiencing a problem with your browser. The problems you are experiencing are most likely the result of Web filtering software, firewalls, popup blockers or ad blocking software.
You may resolve this issue by visiting your browser's website and searching for instructions on temporarily disabling Web filtering software, firewalls, popup blockers, and/or ad blocking software. You may also use another computer.
I have turned off all add-ons, cleared the cache and turned off the pop-up blocker. Still cannot resolve. I have no problem when trying to log on using Chrome or IE. Can someone help?
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Same problem here. I cleared the cache, but still got those screens immediately after login. So for round two, I cleared the cache, cookies, active logins, then closed/re-opened the browser. That worked.