Automatic proxy do not reload automatic when network changes: ex from home network to VPN
have a corporate laptop that needs to use a corporate proxy when connected via VPN or physically to the corporate network. I use .pac format proxy in option of automatic proxy. When i connect to home network same proxy acts like no proxy, and in corporate lan it work as corporate proxy. But from home network when i connect corporate vpn then something go wrong. I can only access corporate links, not any exernal links like google. When i select RELOAD option in automatic proxy, then i am able to access internal as well as external links also. I assume when i connect to VPN, firefox do not reload proxy which he should be doing whenever netwok change take place, and that should be automatic. I have tried "reloadPAC" option with PrefBar tool, but again it's manual option. I want to automate it, like something done on OS level, which can trigger reload option whenever i connect VPN.
Any suggestion?????
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If your entering manual proxy, then you need to change it to "No Proxy".
This automatically changes in linux OS, not in Windows OS
You didn't got my question, i am using automatic proxy, which works as no proxy if you not on Corporate lan. If you are on coprorate lan then the proxy server comes in picture. Problem comes when i connect vpn from my home network, as proxy do not get refreshed when tunneling takes place which i assume should happen. So i have to hit Reload button, after this only i m able access internal as well as external links. i want hitting of relaod option of proxy to be automate.
How to load proxy sites automatically like http://quickunblock.com/
Try the Reload button in Tools > Options > Advanced > Network: Connection > Settings
You can also reload the PAC file with the Prefbar extension and the Reload PAC button.
i am facing the exact same issue and i think the posters who have replied to this thread have missed the point.. all the other browsers - well, Chrome and IE have been tried - work seamlessly between a switch in networks to VPN. Firefox is the only one which faces this issue. The internal sites work fine but external do not load unless reload button is pressed. This is a very jarring experience.