Having trouble opening different files. What will open files
I want to clean out my libraries. I have a lot of different items I have downloaded over time. First I don't know all the different file types. In trying to open each item?, file?, or whatever, a lot of them won't open. The options that always open up for me to choose to open with are Windows Live Movie Maker, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Media Center, Windows Photo Viewer, Word Pad, Windows Live Photo Gallery, and Open Office. Is there anything that opens different types of files? I can't download a program for each file type plus every thing you download brings things with it that mess up your computer. I would really like to know what each item in my library is so I can either keep it, delete it, print it, or what ever. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Rosemary Bales granny-rosey@cinci.rr.com
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You can delete the mimeTypes.rdf file in the Firefox profile folder to reset all file actions.