Column headings need to include "reply-to" now that many ISPs are instituting DMARK and many mailing lists are munging the originator's address to the list's!
Need to display "reply-to" in the email columns.
Now that many mailing lists are munging the originator/from email address to be that of the list's email address, everything under "From" shows up as the same address (that of the list), making it extremely difficult to find an email that you want to reply to or reread when you know the author/originator of the email.
For example, everything shows up as XYZ@emaillist.com as the From account, rather than as X@hotmail.com, Y@MSN.com, A@yahoo.com, etc. Need to have the option of including "reply-to" as a column heading and that currently does not exist in the drop down selection list.
I don't see any way of doing that now; a change is needed in the Thunderbird code to include that.
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Replyto: in yahoo groups at least is set to the group mailing list the From is the actual person to reply to.
Things like blog posts use special email addresses that reply to the blog as well as sometime send an email to the recipient. But do not include an email address for the sender anywhere in the mail.
I think you need to read this on DMARC http://www.zdnet.com/aol-yahoo-email-problems-show-limits-of-email-security-7000028783/
The problem is with email lists, not with groups or blogs, that now show the list address as the From: address. There's no way to see the originator's email address until you read the individual email. If TB could display Reply-To address as a column heading, then email from lists that show the originator's email address/name in the Reply-To (that is an option with the administrative function in MailMan list servers) would show the originator in the column listing.
Setting the reply- to to anything but the mailing list defeats to reason for having a mailing list. Clicking reply send a reply to the individual not the list.
However you are welcome to file an enhancement bug in Bugzilla with your ideas. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/
This is about Thunderbird, not mailing lists! Even on a mailing list I want to see who originated the email - that is where TB comes in.
As i said, file a bug.
because of DMARC, I found the Reply tag is convulted.
to deal with replying to the mailing lists, (Not groups, or anything like that.)
I need to have separate tags (Currently reply and Reply List), to separate combined "Reply List" and "Reply All" into separate tags alongside with "Reply" since you are not willing to change the default setting for Reply List and Reply All.