I am a senior citizen and trying my best to keep up with techno stuff. I have used FF for a long time with no problems. I am a keen Amateur photographer. I have started doing on line courses with the school of Photography, and some of the tutorial videos are very pixelated and UN-viewable. I have also just started subscribing to Adobe Light room and its the same there videos very pixelated. I contacted Dell as my laptop is only a few weeks old so they did remote assist and installed new drivers etc, then sent a follow up email in case all was not well. They suggested I contacted Adobe, so this i did and they did remote assist they also saw what i saw then the person s aid all is OK there end, so whilst doing remote the person installed Chrome on my laptop and the videos open perfectly. also within Firefox I hav started having the same issue with u tube videos, so can someone help me please is there a what is it ah yes extension. Whilst writing this something has come to mind i have always looked at u tube before with FF so is it this new laptop? hope someone can help please as no way i want Chrome but if i can not view LR videos in FF I will have no choice.Many thanks.