I have a Motorola DroidX. I downloaded the toolbar add on. It didn't get added. I repeated downloading it. It didn't get added. I uninstalled Firefox and reinstalled Firefox. I downloaded the toolbar add on. It didn't get added.
Firefox for Android really needs a toolbar. Why doesn't Firefox for Android have a toolbar like Android for desktops has?
All Replies (18)
Could you provide the Exact name or link of that Addon
Fixed Toolbar 1.1 https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/addon/fixed-toolbar/?src=search
Adolf102 commented on the above link that it "Should be a standard option.." I agree.
It is no longer a hidden setting so you can just tap the 3 bar menu button open the settings, tap display, and uncheck 'scroll the title bar'.
kbrosnan, I can not find a 3 bar menu button. Where is it? I downloaded Firefox 29 from f-droid.org.
Hey badbiosvictim, Try the official version from the google play store. Install Firefox on an Android device using Google Play
guigs2, is Firefox version on open source f-droid.org different than from Google Play?
Why should firefox version on f-droid have fewer features? Are the features, such as the 3 menu bar button, not open source?
guigs2, I won't try the version on Google Play because Google Play requires a Google account. Setting up a google account on an adroid phone causes google to spy in the background in addition to using up my 3G and battery. All my apps are open source apps from f-droid.org.
I recommend Mozilla to offer a direct download of Firefox on their website.
I searched online for a screenshot of the 3 bar menu button. I cant find one. How exactly does it look like?
Hi badbiosvictim, Sorry for the confusion. There is a direct download, but features should be the same? http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/channel/
The 3 bar looks like this screenshot on the far right corner of the screenhttps://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/get-started-firefox-android#w_open-a... but if it is not there, the button to the left of the home button opens is up as well.
In CyanogenMod go to Settings -> Buttons -> and check "Show Action Overflow" (It even says right next to it "Display the 3-dot overflow menu button within apps")
guigs2, the download is not a direct download. It redirects to Google Play. Google Play requires a google account. Google does not allow removing google account off android phones. Have to perform a factory reset to remove google account.
Thanks for the screenshot of the 3bar menu. Firefox 29 from f-droid.org does not offer this menu.
The 3 bar menu is not available on all devices. Just use the button you usually press to show a menu, go to settings > Display > Scroll title bar (uncheck).
Have a nice day
Double post please remove
Novain'i Catalyst t@
ahnasr, I followed your instructions to untick 'scroll title bar.' I don't see any change though. I don't know what scroll title bar means.
You can try downloading the latest version of firefox from the mozilla ftp. Here's a link to make it easier:
It should be the same as the one in the play store. Try it and see if anything is made better.
You can download other versions and localizations from: https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/mobile/releases/
ahnasr, thank you very much for the direct download links. You enabled me to upgrade from Firefox 29 to Firefox 31.0b1 which was released two days ago. I will test Firefox 31 out.
The 31.0b1 is the first Beta test build of Firefox 31.0 (there can be say six to twelve Beta builds for a version) and not a Release. The mobile Firefox 30.0 for Android should be there however the folder was removed for some reason.
Note that manual apk install of Firefox Releases and Beta builds do not get updates while Google Play installs do.
edit: The mobile Firefox 30.0 folder is there is Releases now.
Novain'i James t@
There is the fixed toolbar add on, but this is not yet available for all platforms.
i updated from firefox 29 to firefox 31 beta. Sill no three bar menu.
I installed fixed toolbar 1.1 but it still does not really install. Same proems in both releases of firefox.
Novain'i badbiosvictim t@
DroidX has some hardware buttons that can be used to launch the menu so the 3 dots will not be visible. Did I get the question correctly?
ahnasr, thanks for informing me the 3 bar menu is in lieu of the hardware buttons. I thought it was in addition to the hardware buttons.
I wish firefox for android was like firefox for desktop regarding having a toolbar with the same features such as copy and paste and save page as.