How to access main fiefox menu on Asus memo pad
I am unableto access firefox main menu because the buttons at the bottom of the device are different than other Android devices.
All Replies (2)
different mobiles have different option keys samsung→left key bottom lg→ you will find dots at bottom on screen left dots serves as option key
Thank you for replying. My device is an Asus Memo Pad (not Samsung), and the key at bottom left does not access options or the main menu. There are no dots I can see at the bottom of the page. There is a set of 3 dots on the side which opens "settings" and I can access support (but not main menu). In support under "getting started with FF for Android" it shows a button on the device to access the FF main menu which my device does not have . That is the problem - I can't find a way to access "main menu" of FF. None of the buttons provides access. In the FF window top right is a 3 horizontal line button but it does not access the main menu either. I hope this clarifies.