An electronic voice constantly talks over music and generally intrudes - I need to know how to disable it, as it was started by my cat hitting a shortcut key
I am rather ignorant of terminology, so I do not know if what I am suffering with is an Applet.
My cat decided to become a typise one day and took a stroll over the keyboard. I now have a (sometimes very excitable) male elctronic voice who wrecks enjoyment of music on iTunes, as it ptovides all sorts of information which does not in any way increase my pleasure in listening.
it also announces emails as they arrive, again unhelpfully intruding on what I am doing - I do not feel the need to be so aggressively updated - i check emails often as it is.
I hope this helps you to capture the flavour of what is going on. Any way of banishing this electronic voice would be welcome. Thanks!
All Replies (1)
Do you have this installed? https://www.apple.com/accessibility/o.../voiceover/
Or do any of these features ring a bell?
- [Accessibility features in Firefox - Make Firefox and web content work for all users]