Manage the VPN extension preferences

Firefox, Mozilla VPN Firefox, Mozilla VPN Última atualização: 60% de usuários consideraram isto útil
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After configuring the VPN preferences for different websites, you may want to review them to confirm they meet your expectations. Follow these steps to do so:

  1. In the top right corner of your browser, click the Mozilla VPN extension icon.
    extension icon
  2. In the top right corner of the extension, click the gear icon to access the extension settings.
    Extension setting
  3. Select Website preferences from the menu.
    Website preferences
  4. A new window opens and displays the website preferences.
    Website preferences abc
  • VPN letter A: The search bar allows you to look for a website from the list.
  • VPN letter B: The VPN status column indicates which websites are exempt from the VPN protection.
  • VPN letter C: The VPN location column displays the set country preference for accessing each website.

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