Using the Knowledge Base Dashboard

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What is the Knowledge Base Dashboard?

The Knowledge Base Dashboard is a listing of the top Mozilla Support articles, based on the number of views in the last 30 days. You can filter the list by product and type.


Note: To see a list of all Mozilla Support articles, click the Complete overview... link at the bottom. It's a great way to see what you can work on as a contributor.

Anatomy of the Knowledge Base Dashboard

The Knowledge Base Dashboard includes these characteristics:

  • Article title and link
  • The number of visits to the article during the specified time period
  • The status of the article on the Mozilla Support site (Live or Review Needed)
  • Whether the article needs an update
  • Whether or not it's ready for localization
  • Whether or not it's stale
  • Its expiry date
  • A Show translations link to see what languages an article is translated into

Using the Knowledge Base Dashboard

You can use the Knowledge Base Dashboard to see which articles you can edit. Search all products or just one product such as Firefox for iOS, Firefox for Android, and more.


Click on an article title. That brings you to the article. On the article page press Discussion. In the discussion page you can discuss the article's issues with other contributors. You can find out what needs changing and if you are capable of editing the article.


To learn more about editing articles, see Edit a Knowledge Base article.

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