Thunderbird receives mail to my Yahoo account but can't send it - why?
I receive and send email to my Yahoo address through Thunderbird. Yesterday, Thunderbird stopped sending mail but still receives it okay. I'm running 38.7.0 on Mac OS 10.11.3.
When I try to send an email I get the message 'Connected to smtp.mail.yahoo.com' with a blue progress bar. After 20-30 seconds, it asks me to type in my password which I do but then the message still doesn't send.
I can send the same message from Yahoo mail.
I've tried resetting my Yahoo password.
I'm out of ideas - please help! Thank you.
Todas as respostas (7)
There are are number of people who complained about not being able to send messages via the Yahoo SMTP server recently. Check with Yahoo if they have problems.
Thanks, but I've had no luck with Yahoo support. Just get a rash of fake 'support' numbers and nothing of any worth. But, given that sending receiving through Yahoo works fine but sending from Thunderbird doesn't suggests to me it's a Thunderbird issue. What's odd is it just happenend - one minute working, the next not. No new software downloaded or installed. Odd.
Webmail is a completely different thing. Concluding that when webmail works and Thunderbird doesn't Thunderbird is at fault is plain wrong.
Well that told me! Is that what makes you 'Top 10'? Or could you offer something helpful, like an explanation of why it's 'plain wrong' which I could then research and understand better the issue?
Thunderbird did not just break for 10+ Yahoo users. Ask Yahoo what is wrong with their SMTP servers.
Wow, another 'Top 10' with a helpful suggestion! I hope you guys get paid, because if you volunteer your time to blow smoke up the ass of Thunderbird, that would be pretty sad.
Go away troll.