Why doesn't Firefox work with https://www.dictionary.com/e/crossword/
I'm using the latest version of Firefox, 62.0.3 (64-bit), and it doesn't work right with the website above. Both Edge and Chrome work, but not FireFox. It's as if the frame for the crossword puzzle is cut off and it only shows the top 20% of the frame.
Todas as respostas (1)
Hmm, the embedded page with the puzzle isn't using the full height of the space allotted.
As a quick workaround, you could:
right-click the visible part of the puzzle > click This Frame > click Open Frame in New Tab
That should launch the embedded puzzle into its own tab where it will have its natural shape and size.
I don't know whether this is a new issue with a recent site revision, or has always been there. I suggest reporting this problem to the site so they can consider giving the containing div a definite height. This is for them:
The frame is set to height="100%" meaning 100% of the height of the containing div which also has height="100%". Traditionally, this only works if Firefox can compute a definite value based on a parent container, but as I click up the structure of the document, I quickly reach a point where the height is indefinite so Firefox will not improvise a value and considers it undefined. This could be where Firefox differs from other browsers.
This change to bundle.css might work:
.xword .game { width:100%; height:100%; => change to height:700px; min-width:732px; min-height:700px; max-height:700px; margin:0 0 20px }
However, % values for the height attribute on iframe's appear to be deprecated in HTML5: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe#Attributes