I would like thunderbird to ask me to confirm I want to delete a message prior to deleting it
i wish to restart an old closed thread here https://support.mozilla.org/it/questions/1181468 i quote the solution by Toad-Hall "To have a confirmation prompt for deleting messages, use this add-on: https://freeshell.de/~kaosmos/index-en.html#cbd"
unfortunately, this solution is no longer valid because from version 60.2 or 60.3 this add-on is no more supported in TB, and kaosmos says: "What about Thunderbird extensions? At present it's not clear yet if Thunderbird XUL/XPCOM-based add-ons will have the same destiny of Firefox add-ons. If Thunderbid in future will go on sharing the most part of its core code with Firefox, XUL/XPCOM-based add-ons will be banned on Thunderbird too. Personally I think that this will end up to happen sooner or later, but now nobody can say what will happen to Thunderbird development in future.
So, for the moment I will go on mantaining and supporting Thunderbird add-ons as far as I can. Of course I will not add new features or write new extensions, because this could be a waste of time if also Thunderbird XUL/XPCOM-based add-ons will be banned."
so, i think CONFIRMBEFOREDELETE extension is a closed discussion...
the problem is still on the table, because i (and million of people i think...) have thousands of messages in trash folder and surely i don't want to waste my time searching in such folder every day to control if i have accidentally deleted some messages...this happened sometimes due to a mistake, and this behaviour of TB is really annoying. say, force users to install an extension to ask a confirmation before deleting something (anything...contacts, folders, servers and so on) is ridiculous and a little bit sadistic, if i can afford it. so, i think will be better to insert the confirm before delete (anything) in the bug report, in a way to solve the problem definitively. if i can contribute, please tell me how... regards.
Todas as respostas (3)
so, i think CONFIRMBEFOREDELETE extension is a closed discussion...
I would agree and wonder why you are raising it again. Have you approached the author? Thunderbird certainly does not have the feature. You are welcome to file an enhancement bug report.
http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/ Product is Thunderbird when you are filling your bug report.
Personally I find nanny applications infuriating. I pressed the delete key because I no longer want it. I don't need software second guessing me and asking me if a am sure, real,really sure. If I oops I always have the option to press Ctrl+Z and undo the action.
But I think you need to actually look at this link. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1181468
thank you for replying. i own pc since 1986 and i think TB is the 1st software that don't ask for confirm deletion. but i am an open mind and i understand there are different opinions about software behaviour. if don't ask for confirmation is the thinking of most of the TB developers, is fine, TB will not ask for default, but i would insert a row in the config file to set "false" the "don't ask for message deletion". thank you for bugzilla link, i will try to post there how to change this TB "feature". regards.
The add-on is working here in TB 60.3/W10. Open Tools/Options/Advanced/General/Config. editor and double-click the preference extensions.strictCompatibility to false, OK to close Options. The CBD add-on can be enabled after a TB restart, or installed if it's not already installed (see picture).