Disabling my extension or add-on created a huge problem for me and now Im at risk
Unfortunately, one of the add-ons that you disabled was webroot filtering. It filters searches and warns of compromising websites. Last night, I searched google for the webroot secure website to find a tech to help with the initial problem prompted by Mozilla's actions last night. Because the webroot filtering was disabled, I unfortunately went to a BOGUS webroot site. I used their chat option and gave them my key code, and other very pertinent info. as I described the problem with Firefox's actions. They were supposed to call back - they have not. Why? Well, today, after Mozilla RESTORED my add-ons, I went to Google again to search for the webroot site to talk to a tech - Ha...the very site I used last night (that now has my personal info) was the one site that WEBROOT filtering warned me not to visit and told me to "go back to safety" You can understand my total frustration and anger that this event has caused me. Your own actions has caused me and my computer to NOW BE COMPROMISED. I now have to try and abolish my primary email address, my personal phone number and WAIT for Monday to talk to Webroot Technicians. They have emailed me back and asked that we handle this issue on the phone - but they are not there until Monday. I have been compromised, my antivirus has been compromised and my computer has been compromised - all DIRECTLY because of your missteps and your mistakes.
Alterado por mrm1 em
Todas as respostas (8)
hi, i'm sorry for this unfortunate turn of events - rest assured that many people are working overtime and late shifts to get this problem fixed as soon as possible. for details on this, please see: Add-ons disabled or fail to install on Firefox
if you still have the address of the malicious site, please use the form at https://safebrowsing.google.com/safebrowsing/report_phish/?tpl=mozilla to report it, so that it can be removed by google.
Hi mrm1, if you didn't give the third party tech support company your email password, your email account should be secure. However, you may feel more comfortable changing the password.
If you downloaded anything they suggested onto your computer, you may want to remove that, and you can supplement your regular AV scans with some of the tools listed in this support article: Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware.
Thank you for your reply (jscher & phillipp) Webroot did confirm that the site and the man that returned the call the next day does not represent them. It was a bogus site and (btw) the man did want to access my computer. I, obviously, said no and waited until Monday to confirm their authenticity.
The whole event was VERY troubling beginning with FIrefox/Mozilla's unfortunate mistake. One that I hope is not repeated.
mrm1 said
Thank you for your reply (jscher & phillipp) Webroot did confirm that the site and the man that returned the call the next day does not represent them. It was a bogus site and (btw) the man did want to access my computer. I, obviously, said no and waited until Monday to confirm their authenticity. The whole event was VERY troubling beginning with FIrefox/Mozilla's unfortunate mistake. One that I hope is not repeated.
When you google for a company always go to their website specific instead of clicking around links so you end up in a buggy website. It's not Firefox fault, it's yours for not recognizing a legitimate website. Anyway, the addon's problem is fixed now.
You assume incorrectly. I went to google and clicked into the site - no "buggy" links as you describe. It WAS the fault of Mozilla. Not mine. What is the criteria for "legitimate" website? Never mind...your rude response is enough for this user.
Alterado por mrm1 em
mrm1 said
You assume incorrectly. I went to google and clicked into the site - no "buggy" links as you describe. It WAS the fault of Mozilla. Not mine. What is the criteria for "legitimate" website? Never mind...your rude response is enough for this user.
I'm just trying to make you see that you can't blame tools you use for your mistakes and like you there are many, that's why I'm posting this. You can learn how to recognize fake website:
What I tried to say above is to not go to google and type bank xxx, instead, go directly to the website: www.bankxxxx.com
Mozilla disabled a vital tool, without warning, that I relied on. A tool that helps me find safety on the net. As a webroot rep told me they cannot keep up with the number of sites that are bogus. I did type in www.webroot.com and this is what I saw: I will copy/paste one and half pages from google. Page 1 About 35,100,000 results (0.39 seconds) Ads
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Rating: 8.5/10 - Review by John Smith Webroot offers full protection for small and medium businesses and individual consumers around the World. Webroot offers full-scale security for PC and Mac ...
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After visting the www.webroot.com/safe and enter webroot activation key code.
NIne of the sixteen websites (above) have been marked with a Red circle to alert the user that this is an "unsafe" website.
The night of the search, the alerts were disabled. There were NO alerts. None of them were marked in Red.
I copied/pasted ONLY one and half pages of what was on my screen after typing in www.webroot.com.
If you choose to continue this conversation then that is your choice - I will not respond/engage any longer. Thank you.
Alterado por mrm1 em