interactive graphics are not displayed on ZDF Websites
I have the problem on two PCs that the interactive graphics are not displayed on the very informative ZDF news pages with Firefox in the browser, for example on the URL https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/politik/landkreise-lockdown-zahlen -karte-100.html This only affects the ZDF website on Firefox. These graphics are displayed on ARD. The display works fine on Google Chrome.
Todas as respostas (2)
Nutzen Sie Werbung-Blocking Software? Damit kann es Probleme mit interaktive Elemente geben. Bei mir (neuste Feuerfuchs-Version x64 auf Mikroweich Fenster 8.1) funktioniert alles ohne Problem. Sorry, I just had to practice my German. Anyway... Do you use an ad-blocking extension? It can introduce problems with interactive elements. I don't experience issues using the last Firefox on Windows 8.1.
Thanks for the fast respond. An adblocker was not installed. I was able to solve the problem myself. I deleted the Firefox account, then uninstalled Firefox and deleted the Firefox folder with % AppData%. After the complete reinstallation and new login to the Firefox account, all pages and graphics were displayed correctly.