Firefox 3.6.6 crashing
So I'm using Firefox version 3.6.6 and the Flash plugin version, and about a minute or two into every Firefox session the entire browser crashes and gives me the option to send a report and either restart or quit Firefox.
I know what I'm doing and thus don't need the kid-glove responses I've seen in some other threads about this, the problem is not on my end, it's with the software. No problems were occuring before Firefox 3.6.6. Please tell me how to fix the problem you created, ASAP.
Operating system
Windows Vista 32-bit
Todas as respostas (20)
Installed FF 3.6.6. Now ESPN3 freezes (will NOT load).
Same problem - freezes
Same problem - the moment I load a page of any complexity, it's goodbye.
This browser went from the most stable to the biggest piece of shit since 3.6.4. I crash every 3 mins no matter what I am doing, even if it is in safe mode.
Apparent fix for me
See "Duplicate Session Restore files"
Same here on Vista 64 bit. HELP i need FireFox
Vista 64 bit having same issues with freezing...
I have the same problem.. I installed 3.6.6 and it crashes every time. Tried to install 3.6.4 again and now it crashes, tried with 3.5.5 and same thing. If I open FF in safe mode, it will display a window, but then crashes immediately.
Mac OS 10.6.4
I'm desperate to get it working again as I need FireBug.
I really need this problem solved. My classes are online. Please fix this!!
Absolutely can't print anything from 3.6.6 without it crashing. Mac OSX 10.4.11
Same here on my work computer... Vista 32bit + 3.6.6. Has been crashing like this since 3.6.4 and I'm about to change browser really soon if something doesn't happen.
Update from prior release to FF 3.6.6 last night. Also updated Flash. Now most pages from major sites cause FF to freeze forcing me to kill the session.
Mine Firefox 3.6.6 32 bits (Windows Vista) is also crashing all the time. Here is the report:
Add-ons: {3f963a5b-e555-4543-90e2-c3908898db71}:, :6.0.11, :6.0.13, :6.0.15,{20a82645-c095-46ed-80e3-08825760534b}:1.2.1,foxmarks@kei.com:3.6.14, :6.0.20,{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}:3.6.6 BuildID: 20100625231939 CrashTime: 1277819413 EMCheckCompatibility: true Email: rhelering@yahoo.com FramePoisonBase: 00000000f0de0000 FramePoisonSize: 65536 InstallTime: 1277708747 ProductName: Firefox ReleaseChannel: release SecondsSinceLastCrash: 144 StartupTime: 1277819287 Theme: classic/1.0 Throttleable: 1 URL: http://www.google.nl/firefox?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official Vendor: Mozilla Version: 3.6.6
This report also contains technical information about
I have the same issue, running on Windows 7. Disabling the Flash plugin allows me to at least use the browser without crashing, for those of you who are looking to do that. (In the few seconds you have it open, go to tools, manage add-ons, plugins, find the flash player and disable.) I find it strange that 3.6.6 is advertised to fix crash problems with plugins (which I did not have previously), but with this update and, as "strongly recommended" by Mozilla, the Adobe Flash update, it now crashes.
I would like to withdraw my previous post: "Apparent fix for me
See "Duplicate Session Restore files" "
I am now testing the disabling of flash
Okay, here's what worked for me. For one thing, although I thought I had successfully updated to 3.6.6, when I went to the Help menu it still showed me running 3.6.4. Odd. Apparently something was blocking the update patch from working. I eventually completely uninstalled Firefox, downloaded and installed the newest version clean, and restarted my computer. Now it works, even with the plugin. A strange workaround, but not terribly difficult.
And I do have 3.6.6. Nothing I've tried has worked including a complete uninstall and clean install thus losing all my info. Still crashes. Crashes in safe mode,crashes with all add-ons disabled,crashes with the plugins disabled
As mentioned before FF 3.6.6 crashes with no obvious reason. I got the problem since version 3.6.4 (the first 'crash-free' Version). It must be a problem with the 10.1 Flash Plugin, because on my laptop, 3.6.6 runs without a crash on the same sites.
After a short support chat, I could figure out that the AddOn 'FireTorrent' can be a reason to crash FF 3.6.6 with Flash 10.1
Thanks Jan!
Same issue running on WinXP Pro with FF 3.6.6, Flash 10.1 and FireTorrent 2.0.1.
Disable FireTorrent all is good, re-enable and a known page will lock the browser every time without fail. Bye bye FireTorrent.