Unsorted Bookmarks suddenly appearing at the bottom of my Bookmarks, need help removing it
Okay, my issue is like the following
And this picture shows my problem in a nutshell. https://support.mozilla.org/media/uploads/images/2011-07-11-03-11-09-7a69d6.jpg
The problem is, I'm unable to find the chrome folder mentioned and I'm just.. not that great with computers.
I was wondering if anyone can be a bit more step by stepy with me on how to solve this issue of removing the unsorted Bookmarks icon that is now at the bottom of my favorites menu. It wasn't there until today, not sure why, but it's really really annoying to me.
I can typically find folders if they exist, but I didn't find the folders I was asked to in the previous help request I looked through.
This is what my folder looks like, no chrome or anything.
I run Windows 7 if it matters.. I do not know how to check my Firefox version, but checking when I downloaded (Or when it says the folder was created), it was 7/12/2011.
Please, just asking for a bit of a step by step guide on removing this, I'm not great with messing with code or finding hidden things, but I do know my way around a computer
Todas as respostas (2)
hmmm, i dont quite know much about it but maybe you need to do some spring cleaning and stick stuff in folders. or just put every thing in one folder and call it sorted. add folder by right clicking bookmarks menu and choose, new folder. put all stuff in there. might take a while depending on how many bookmarks.
Alterado por MozillaFirefox911 em
Add code to the userChrome.css file below the default @namespace line.
The customization files userChrome.css (interface) and userContent.css (websites) are located in the chrome folder in the user profile folder.
See also:
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /* only needed once */ #appmenu_bookmarksPopup menuseparator[builder="end"], #appmenu_unsortedBookmarks, #bookmarksMenuPopup menuseparator[builder="end"], #menu_unsortedBookmarks, #BMB_bookmarksPopup menuseparator[builder="end"], #BMB_unsortedBookmarks { display:none!important; }