Не открывает нужный сайт из-за "Возможно вы хотели открыть..."
При использование Firefox у наших клиентов, когда они вбивают в адресной строке домен нашего сайта, сначала предлагает другой сайт с пометкой "Возможно вы хотели открыть...". А в последующем, не спрашивая, сразу переадресовывает на другой сайт. Наш домен: asb-xc.ru Переадресовывает на: asbc.ru
Todas as respostas (1)
(I used Google Translate-(переводить) ).
Does not open the site you want because "Perhaps you wanted to open ..."
When using Firefox with our customers when they pierce the domain in the address bar of our website, first offers another site marked "Perhaps you wanted to open ...". And later, without asking, just redirects to another site. Our domain: asb-xc.ru Redirects to: asbc.ru
Sorry for the inconvenience but this site uses the English language. Could you please try to write your questions in English ?
I am able to reach your domain asb-xc.ru ok using my Firefox.
I guess the problem you are having is likely to be one of two things.
- You have malware or other software affecting your search
- Is the problem seen on the machine you used to ask this question ?
- For malware problems see Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware (That article should be available from that link in Russian -Устранение проблем Firefox, вызванных вредоносными программами )
- Your system information does not show any such toolbars but so I doubt this is applicable
Remove a toolbar that has taken over your Firefox search or home page
& What to do when searches take you to the wrong search website - Additionally note current Firefox will search using whatever Search Engine is selected in the Search bar
- Your Internet Service Provider is redirecting the search. There may be ways around that. The easiest test may be to connect to a different WiFi network to see what happens,
And to compare some other computer connected to your network.