Anyone else lose tabs on bottom with new update?
I've lost my tabs on bottom feature and its gone from the about:config menu as well with the new Firefox 44.0 update.
Tabs on bottom / top add-on's doesnt fix the issue either.
Help!!! Thanks =)
Toate răspunsurile (4)
Please try the Classic Theme Restorer extension. It works for me on FF44.
Yes, I lost tabs on bottom also. searched in add ins and using
Tabs on Bottom (Australis) which seems to work, some of the other add ins dont work.
Why in hell isnt there a button or option to do such natively in FF to start with, there used to be. I like tabs to be close to the web site view, not have to move mouse across all items on top to get to tabs. Keep 20 tabs open all time
Note that you can also do this with code in userChrome.css. I use the below posted code to achieve this.
Add code to the userChrome.css file below the default @namespace line.
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /* only needed once */ /* tabs on bottom */ #navigator-toolbox toolbar:not(#nav-bar):not(#toolbar-menubar) {-moz-box-ordinal-group:10} #TabsToolbar {-moz-box-ordinal-group:1000!important}
The customization files userChrome.css (user interface) and userContent.css (websites) are located in the chrome folder in the Firefox profile folder.
Sorry, not a programmer type, there used to be an easy option choice to do such, why, where did it go. Why would you take something out that is already up and running. Then someone must make some work around via theme, extension etc that may, may not work next update.
Put it back in and leave it alone. We want tabs on bottom next to web site. Not have to move mouse all way across every item in menus to get to tab.