A message with html format isn't displayed at my mozilla thunderbird
I have an email that generated by my WMS and when I used the Outlook the content of the html file is displayed, but when I migrate to Mozilla Thunderbird, the content of this email is not displayed. I tried many extensions and complements but nothing solve this problem. Can anyone help me?
Follow the code of this message that I received and the content didn't displayed: From - Tue Jul 05 08:01:18 2016 X-Account-Key: account3 X-UIDL: 1467678611.824525.10932,3918.2qw.tpn.terra.com,W=3987 X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 X-Mozilla-Keys: Return-Path: <logistica@syscontrol.com.br> Delivered-To: sistemas@syscontrol.com.br Received: from mail-proxy06-mia.tpn.terra.com ([]) by 2qw.tpn.terra.com (Dovecot) with LMTP id u0s4Gm3/ele0KgAAmxc4og for <sistemas@syscontrol.com.br>; Tue, 05 Jul 2016 00:30:11 +0000 Received: from mail-smtp05-mia.tpn.terra.com ([]) by mail-proxy06-mia.tpn.terra.com (Dovecot) with LMTP id raWyGJP/elejQwAAeCOLPA ; Tue, 05 Jul 2016 00:30:11 +0000 X-Terra-Karma: -2% X-Terra-Hash: f4979844cdcc17f17b05e983c7b804a7 Received: from athenas (unknown []) (authenticated user logistica@syscontrol.com.br) by mail-smtp05-mia.tpn.terra.com (Postfix) with ESMTPA id 2BDDEA0; Tue, 5 Jul 2016 00:30:11 +0000 (UTC) From: "Syscontrol Depto Logisitica" <logistica@syscontrol.com.br> Subject: Aviso de Faturamento Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=_NextPart_2rfkindysadvnqw3nerasdf" MIME-Version: 1.0 Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2016 21:30:11 -0300 X-Priority: 4 X-Library: Indy 8.0.25 Message-Id: <20160705003011.2BDDEA0@mail-smtp05-mia.tpn.terra.com> To: undisclosed-recipients:; X-CMAE-Score: 0 X-Antivirus: AVG for E-mail 2015.0.6201 [4613/12561] X-AVG-ID: ID3B81E3C6-55C2DDFC
This is a multi-part message in MIME format
--=_NextPart_2rfkindysadvnqw3nerasdf Content-Type: text/HTML Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
mos que o faturamento referente =E0 seu pedido/servico n=BA email foi reali=
scal n=BA 015847, valor total R$ 800,000000, com data de emiss=E3o 30/06/20=
ta Fiscal/Mercadorias est=E3o dispon=EDveis para RETIRADA na Syscontrol.</U= </p> ><TR</FONT>
as contate-nos pelo telefone (19) 3272-1333 de segunda =E0 sexta</FONT></DI= V>
emos a aten=E7=E3o e estamos =E0 disposi=E7=E3o para esclarecimentos</FONT>=
Nenhum v=
7;rus encontrado nessa mensagem.
Verificado por AVG - www.avgbrasil.=
Versão: 2015.0.6201 / Banco de dados de vírus: 4613/12561 - Data =
de Lançamento: 07/05/16
--=_NextPart_2rfkindysadvnqw3nerasdf Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Nenhum virus encontrado nessa mensagem.
Verificado por AVG - www.avgbrasil.com.br
Versao: 2015.0.6201 / Banco de dados de virus: 4613/12561 - Data de Lancame=
nto: 07/05/16
and the resulta that I was want, and happened at the outlook is :
Subject: Aviso de Faturamento
Prezado(a) Sergio Pitkowsky
Informamos que o faturamento referente à seu pedido/servico nº email foi realizado Nota Fiscal nº 015847, valor total R$ 800,000000, com data de emissão 30/06/2016
A Nota Fiscal/Mercadorias estão disponíveis para RETIRADA na Syscontrol.
Dúvidas contate-nos pelo telefone (19) 3272-1333 de segunda à sexta
Horário retirada : 8:00 hs às 11:00 hs e 14:00 hs às 17:30 h
Agradecemos a atenção e estamos à disposição para esclarecimentos
Syscontrol Automação por Código de Barras Web-Site : http://www.syscontrol.com.br Fone : 55-19-3272-1333 Fax : 55-19-3272-0000
Toate răspunsurile (4)
I am sure you though you were telling us something using the term WMS, but without context is is really vague. See http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/WMS for why Google is not my friend on this.
However I will stoop to guessing.
Outlook allows scripts both Javascript and vbscript in mails. Thunderbird does not for security reasons. So I am guessing that the email relies of scripts for presentation.
This is based on the emails from one source not displaying correctly. Note that there is no reason to use scripting in email, other than laziness on the part of the provider. HTML 5 implements most of the features used in javascript email and if scripting is truly required they should be emailing a link to the server that runs the scripts and generates the web page, instead of emailing the page. Allowing scripts represent a very significant security risk.
I think that I not explained correctly about my problem. My system generates an email only in HTML format. When I received this email in a Outlook the content of this showed correctly, but when I received this email at the Thunderbird the content of the email not displayed.
Microsoft programs tend to pay fast and loose with standards and tend to accept and process faulty or non-compliant code. I'd also argue that they generate non-compliant code.
Thunderbird is generally rather picky about correct syntax.
Ok, I used the super powers of the moderator to dig out the original HTML message that was pasted into the original post.
I pasted that into Notepad I saved the resulting email as an EML file. I double clicked it
I See
So perhaps you just have the viewing of HTML mail turned off.
View menu (alt+V) > message body as > original HTML