File moved or missing when I try to open using Firefox or another app
When I click on a link to download a file and I select the option to open using Firefox or to open using an application for the drop down, I can see the download progress on the task bar, but the downloaded file list shows "File moved or missing".
So far, the only way for me to look at a linked file is to Save File to a specific location. If I save the file, then the Download list shows size and time info. If I double click, the file opens in Firefox. I can open from the saved location using another application.
Where is Firefox saving the temporary file when I selected one of the options for opening the file directly? Why won't Firefox properly save that location in the Download list? What setting(s) do I need to change so that this function works properly?
Thanks for any help!
Toate răspunsurile (3)
There are two ways to check a file. The first is to download it. This way you can look at it all you want until you remove it.
The second is to ‘view’ the file. In this case, the file is still downloaded but to temporary storage. Note that sooner or later, all temp files will be removed by the system.
You can, however, save the temp file via the Save option.
Thanks, FredMcD.
Saving definitely works. The puzzler is the temp files created trying to View not being findable immediately after the download is complete. Firefox seems to be saving them, then not remembering where it saved them.
Files you download and open in another application are saved to the Windows Temp folder. You need to use "Save as" in the application to save the file to another folder if you want to keep the file and if you want to modify/edit the file.