Download Option is "Broken"
When it comes to managing downloads in Options/Preferences, one may choose between: 1) Always save in Downloads directory, and filename is default from source 2) Always ask [user] where to save files, and filenames may be customized
Firefox used to remember the last directory files were saved to, and would open that directory to allow me to dictate filename—and it would also remember the folder view of that directory. Now, Downloads are "broken." Every single time Firefox opens the Downloads directory in Grouped by Type Details view, no matter what. It's been doing this for at least three months....
...except...now that I go to reproduce the behavior so that I can accurately document the issue, NOW it decides to behave differently, more like the way it's supposed to. I still want to know how to enforce proper behavior (let's pretend for a moment that it has not decided to behave properly TODAY), and I sure am hoping for something that does not involve a complete reset, where Firefox forgets EVERYTHING I've "taught" it, and I have to start the laborious process of teaching all over again.
I've been using computers since 1978, and Firefox since about a year after it launched (when Netscape died). That's 2003 for those who have to look it up.
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Addendum: Later today, a couple of hours later, Firefox started insisting upon opening the Downloads directory again in the aforementioned undesirable view state. Firefox is not behaving consistently.