Is it possible to block Javascript for SPECIFIC SITES (as IE allows you to do), and if not, how soon will this feature beocme available?
Currently, blocking Javascript on Firefox seems to be all or nothing. Recently, Google made its very annoying "predictions" feature always on. The only way to block it is to disable Javascript -- but this also prevents me from enjoying many other sites, such as web radio stations. IE allows users to disable Javascript for specific sites. Since Firefox is a much better browser in most respects, it would be good to have that capability here too. If this capability already exists, please tell me where to find it. Thanks.
Currently, blocking Javascript on Firefox seems to be all or nothing. Recently, Google made its very annoying "predictions" feature always on. The only way to block it is to disable Javascript -- but this also prevents me from enjoying many other sites, such as web radio stations. IE allows users to disable Javascript for specific sites. Since Firefox is a much better browser in most respects, it would be good to have that capability here too. If this capability already exists, please tell me where to find it. Thanks.