Thunderbird not responding to right or left mouse clicks on menu and within message folders
Question pretty well says it all. Problem started after most recent update although not certain that is what caused the problem.
Re: menu items - when perform left click with mouse have to wait 20-30 seconds, sometimes longer, before drop-down list appears. Then no problem selecting and activating item from list.
Re: message folders - example in Inbox when select an email then right click on it have to wait 15-30 seconds before drop-down list appears. Then no problem selecting and activating item from list.
Have tried reinstalls. No change. Have not tried an install of an older version of Thunderbird. Regularly perform backup of Thunderbird using MozBkp - a life saving program.
Would not like to lose Thunderbird. It is a marvelous email program which I have used since it first came out. Never had any problems with it before.
Все ответы (20)
What is your anti-virus software?
Note: this problem does not exist for all other software inclusive of Firefox, WPerfect, Acronis, etc., etc.
Restart with add ons disabled to see if you have a problem add on. You can do this from the help menu.
You are a genius.
I restarted in safe mode. Mouse clicks working.
I guess the issue now is to find out which add-on is not working or maybe just disable all add-ons.
Did you check for upgrades when Thunderbird upgraded? If not try that. If you figure out which one it is post back to help track this issue.
Did check for upgrades - it is up to date.
Will try to figure out which add-on causing the problem.
How do I let you know the results? Answer to your email?
I am new to this process.
Thanks very much for help you given me.
Just post answer here.
I celebrated too early.
Still having problems. Have tried disabling Kaspersky.
When do restart with add-ons disabled works OK at first then back to same problem. I notice that in message area beside icon for internet connection (lower left), everytime I start TBird in off-line mode message comes up that account is trying to make connection with pop3 server. Seems as long as this message is there mouse click problem persists. Checked the settings for the account - are the same as for the other three accounts with same provider.
A Mystery. Am still working on it. Any thoughts?
Give us something to check. Go to trubleshooting information under help and copy it to clipboard (use button) and paste it in here
Try to start *Windows* in safe mode with networking enabled.
- Win8 http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-8/windows-startup-settings-including-safe-mode
- Win7 http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/Start-your-computer-in-safe-mode
- XP http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/boot_failsafe.mspx
Still in Windows safe mode, start Thunderbird in safe mode.
- https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/safe-mode
Does the problem go away?
Afternoon. I have TBird shortcut to always open in safe mode. Mouse clicks are working well just that when TBird opens and I try to access anything get notice that TBird is not responding - which lasts for a maybe 10 seconds. Then everything good.
Will be experimenting this PM. On a mission now.
Per Gnospen - do you really want me to paste the information into a reply?
YES ! There should NOT be any personal info. It tells about mailservice (not usernames) add-ons versions etc. It's so much easier to eliminate certain things that way.
Here goes. As you will notice changed TBird to version 31.3.0 Thought that would work. Same same.
Another note: Error console - have 8 items - 2 info - 6 warnings. The one that seems to be problematic reads as follows.
mutating the Prototype of an object will cause your code to run very slowly, instead create the object with the correct initial Prototype value using Object.create resource://gre/components/steelApplication.js (Note - this is a hyperlink which ends up somewhere with information I do not understand)
Application Basics
Name: Thunderbird Version: 31.3.0 User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.3.0 Profile Folder: Show Folder
(Local drive) Application Build ID: 20141127140543 Enabled Plugins: about:plugins Build Configuration: about:buildconfig Memory Use: about:memory
Mail and News Accounts account1: INCOMING: account1, , (none) Local Folders, plain, passwordCleartext
account2: INCOMING: account2, , (pop3) mail.westman.wave.ca:110, plain, passwordCleartext OUTGOING: mail.westman.wave.ca:25, plain, passwordCleartext, true
account4: INCOMING: account4, , (pop3) pop3.live.com:995, SSL, passwordCleartext OUTGOING: smtp.live.com:587, alwaysSTARTTLS, passwordCleartext, true
account6: INCOMING: account6, , (pop3) pop.googlemail.com:995, SSL, passwordCleartext OUTGOING: smtp.googlemail.com:465, SSL, passwordCleartext, true
account7: INCOMING: account7, , (pop3) pop3.live.com:995, SSL, passwordCleartext OUTGOING: smtp.live.com:587, alwaysSTARTTLS, passwordCleartext, true OUTGOING: smtp.live.com:587, alwaysSTARTTLS, passwordCleartext, false
account8: INCOMING: account8, , (pop3) pop3.live.com:995, SSL, passwordCleartext OUTGOING: smtp.live.com:587, alwaysSTARTTLS, passwordCleartext, true
account11: INCOMING: account11, , (pop3) pop3.live.com:995, SSL, passwordCleartext OUTGOING: smtp.live.com:587, alwaysSTARTTLS, passwordCleartext, true
Crash Reports
Extensions Auto Resize Image, 0.13.4, false, AutoResizeImage@gmail.com
Important Modified Preferences
Name: Value
browser.cache.disk.capacity: 358400 browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run: false browser.cache.disk.smart_size.use_old_max: false browser.cache.disk.smart_size_cached_value: 358400 extensions.lastAppVersion: 31.3.0 font.name.monospace.el: Consolas font.name.monospace.tr: Consolas font.name.monospace.x-baltic: Consolas font.name.monospace.x-central-euro: Consolas font.name.monospace.x-cyrillic: Consolas font.name.monospace.x-unicode: Consolas font.name.monospace.x-western: Consolas font.name.sans-serif.el: Calibri font.name.sans-serif.tr: Calibri font.name.sans-serif.x-baltic: Calibri font.name.sans-serif.x-central-euro: Calibri font.name.sans-serif.x-cyrillic: Calibri font.name.sans-serif.x-unicode: Calibri font.name.sans-serif.x-western: Calibri font.name.serif.el: Cambria font.name.serif.tr: Cambria font.name.serif.x-baltic: Cambria font.name.serif.x-central-euro: Cambria font.name.serif.x-cyrillic: Cambria font.name.serif.x-unicode: Cambria font.name.serif.x-western: Cambria font.size.fixed.el: 14 font.size.fixed.tr: 14 font.size.fixed.x-baltic: 14 font.size.fixed.x-central-euro: 14 font.size.fixed.x-cyrillic: 14 font.size.fixed.x-unicode: 14 font.size.fixed.x-western: 14 font.size.variable.el: 17 font.size.variable.tr: 17 font.size.variable.x-baltic: 17 font.size.variable.x-central-euro: 17 font.size.variable.x-cyrillic: 17 font.size.variable.x-unicode: 17 font.size.variable.x-western: 17 gfx.direct3d.last_used_feature_level_idx: 0 mail.openMessageBehavior.version: 1 mail.winsearch.firstRunDone: true mailnews.database.global.datastore.id: c4e8fa17-ec02-475e-b707-02644bb7589 network.cookie.cookieBehavior: 2 network.cookie.prefsMigrated: true places.database.lastMaintenance: 1424622252 places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages: 104858 places.history.expiration.transient_optimal_database_size: 126105844 plugin.disable_full_page_plugin_for_types: video/quicktime,application/pdf plugin.importedState: true plugin.state.npbrowserplugin: 2 plugin.state.npcontentblocker: 2 plugin.state.npctrl: 0 plugin.state.npdlplugin: 2 plugin.state.npfoxitreaderplugin: 2 plugin.state.npgeplugin: 0 plugin.state.npgoogleupdate: 0 plugin.state.npintelwebapiipt: 0 plugin.state.npintelwebapiupdater: 0 plugin.state.nponlinebanking: 2 plugin.state.nppdf: 2 plugin.state.nppl: 2 plugin.state.npqtplugin: 2 plugin.state.nprndlchromebrowserrecordext: 2 plugin.state.nprndlhtml5videoshim: 2 plugin.state.nprndlpepperflashvideoshim: 2 plugin.state.nprpplugin: 2 plugin.state.npvkplugin: 2 plugin.state.npvlc: 2 plugin.state.npwebsllauncher: 2 privacy.donottrackheader.enabled: true security.disable_button.openCertManager: false
Adapter Description: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 Vendor ID: 0x8086 Device ID: 0x0166 Adapter RAM: Unknown Adapter Drivers: igdumdim64 igd10iumd64 igd10iumd64 igdumdim32 igd10iumd32 igd10iumd32 Driver Version: Driver Date: 8-19-2013 Adapter Description (GPU #2): NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M Vendor ID (GPU #2): 0x10de Device ID (GPU #2): 0x0fd2 Adapter RAM (GPU #2): 2048 Adapter Drivers (GPU #2): nvd3dumx,nvwgf2umx,nvwgf2umx nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um Driver Version (GPU #2): Driver Date (GPU #2): 1-9-2015 Direct2D Enabled: true DirectWrite Enabled: true (6.2.9200.16571) ClearType Parameters: ClearType parameters not found WebGL Renderer: false GPU Accelerated Windows: 1/1 Direct3D 10
AzureCanvasBackend: direct2d AzureSkiaAccelerated: 0 AzureFallbackCanvasBackend: cairo AzureContentBackend: direct2d
Incremental GC: 1
Activated: 0 Prevent Accessibility: 0
Library Versions
Expected minimum version Version in use
NSPR 4.10.6 4.10.6
NSS Basic ECC Basic ECC
NSS Util
Don't know if this is relevant.
Mouse click on menu at top - have to wait for a several minutes unless I access it first thing when TBird boots up (although have to wait for TBird to start responding). In folders left click works as it should. Right click still have to wait - seems getting longer each time - but what does work is after right click if I press "d" (for delete) it will delete the email even though the drop-down menu does not show up.
As I can see you have a nvidia graphic card, so have I . I had exactly the same response when I clicked on a drop-down menu. Fixed it by updating my Nvidia driver.
mutating the Prototype of an object....... I still get that.
You have many accounts be shure you have the server for outgoing mail that corresponds to that accounts username / password.
Just finished updating Nvidia driver as you suggested. Appears to have done the job. Mouse working properly. Only thing left is that TBird needs about 15-20 seconds to decide to run properly. After that everything go. Same as you still get that message in the Error Console. I am guessing that is what is creating the problem. Checked on the Web - apparently has something to do with getting email from Chrome - yet I never get email from them. Will check this out further.
If you have any suggestions on this matter would appreciate. If not consider the problem solved.
Thanks very much for your help
Haven't solved the problem. But have resorted to an alternative solution. Installed TBird 24.6 which works beautifully as it should. Lot of work and machinations got all my email settings, accounts, and messages back into 24.6. Turned off auto-update. So appears obvious that the more recent updates to TBird are the problem. Problem now is finding out if Mozilla will correct the problem with some update and how will I know which update solves the problem.
But many of us are using TB 31.5.0 with no sign of your problem. So my guess is there is something about your system that causes this. That isn't going to help any developers to work out what's wrong. :-(
You are absolutely correct Zenos my not being able to find the problem on my system will not help developers. I post the comment only because in my research on internet I find I am not alone. The reasons for the problem are as varied as the multitude of permutations of the systems which experience the problem. In my case the only viable solution was offered on other forums suggesting reversion to version 24.6 or 24.7 (which doesn't seem to be available). Playing around with the prefs.js files for TBird 31.5 and 24.6 and transferring some lines from 31.5 prefs.js to 24.6 and 24.6 working properly suggests that there are some entries in prefs.js for 31.5 that my system does not like. I suppose if I made changes in 31.5 using 24.6 as the base 1 line at a time might be able to find the culprit.
Older versions are available here:
I really can't recall any situation where messing about with preferences files in the way you suggest has had any useful effect. Do you believe you have found a material difference or change?