Adding a holiday calendar

Thunderbird Thunderbird Përditësuar së fundmi: 61% e përdoruesve e kanë votuar këtë si të dobishëm
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A holiday calendar lists all the public holidays of a country, and displays these in Thunderbird.

There are two methods to add a holiday calendar.

  • Store it on your computer - The calendar file is stored on your computer and will be available even if you are offline. You will also be able to modify it (for example, by adding provincial or state holidays to a national holiday calendar).
  • Subscribe to it on the internet - With this method, you will subscribe to a calendar file that is published on the internet. The calendar will be kept up to date by its maintainer.

Store it on your computer

  1. Visit the Thunderbird holiday calendar page or another site that offers national holiday calendars.
  2. Right-clickHold down the Control key while you click the link of the holiday calendar you want to install and select Save Link As.
    NOTE: Calendar files have the suffix ics.
  3. In Thunderbird, click the menu button Fx57menu, then go to File > Open > Calendar File.
  4. Select the calendar file that you have saved in step 2.

You will see that a new calendar with all your holidays has been added to your calendar view.

Subscribe to it on the internet

  1. Visit the Thunderbird holiday calendar page (or another site that offers national holiday calendars).
  2. Right-clickHold down the Control key while you click the link of the holiday calendar you want to subscribe to and select Copy Link Location.
  3. In Thunderbird, press the Alt key to display the menu bar, then go to File > New > Calendar.
  4. Select On the Network, and click Next.
  5. From the Format list, select iCalendar (ICS).
  6. Right-clickHold down the Control key while you click in the Address field and choose Paste to enter the calendar location that you copied in step 2, then click Next.
  7. Give the holiday calendar a name and assign it a color in which all of the holidays are highlighted. Click Next.
  8. Click Finish.

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