cant open 1 paricular emai

Hello. I have been using Thunderbird for many years. Love it! Version now 128.2.3esr 64 bit. Have never had any problems, until now. I am showing 1 email in my in box wh… (lexoni më tepër)

Hello. I have been using Thunderbird for many years. Love it! Version now 128.2.3esr 64 bit. Have never had any problems, until now. I am showing 1 email in my in box which I cannot do anything with (I have received subsequent emails and can access them without any problems) I cannot open this one email, cannot delete it, move it, open in a new window. There are no options if I right click on the email. Any solutions, Thanks, Glen Hollis, Adelaide, South Australia

Pyetur nga glen0319 30 minuta më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga glen0319 17 minuta më parë

Thunderbird not printing on oenSUSE

Thunderbird is getting in a tight loop when I try to print any email. The hangup is occurring when I execute the print command. The basic dialog appears with the "Prepar… (lexoni më tepër)

Thunderbird is getting in a tight loop when I try to print any email.

The hangup is occurring when I execute the print command. The basic dialog appears with the "Preparing Preview" message. The right side of the window appears with only "Print" and the separator line below it.

I must terminate the loop by running the System Monitor and kill the program. If I just close the dialog window, Thunderbird continues to run.

I don't know how to fix the problem. Any thoughts?

This is on openSUSE Tumbleweed. Details follow:

KDE Plasma Version 6.1.5

KDE Frameworks version 6.6.0 Qt Version 6.7.2 Kernel Version 6.10.9-1-default (64-bit) Graphics platform: Wayland

I have had the same problem with older versions of the system for at least a month.

My system is a white box with 16x AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight core processor and 16 gb of ram. I have an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 TI/PCIe/SSE2

Pyetur nga johnrcox 5 orë më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga johnrcox 5 orë më parë

Sending emails

Thunderbird 128.2.2esr (64-bit) stopped sending emails. It receives OK. This happens in who is my isp. The error message says "Sending of the message failed. A… (lexoni më tepër)

Thunderbird 128.2.2esr (64-bit) stopped sending emails. It receives OK. This happens in who is my isp. The error message says "Sending of the message failed. An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: Domain Spoofing Prohibited. Please verify that your email address is correct in your account settings and try again." Do you have any idea what the problem is?

Pyetur nga markgoff 17 orë më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga markgoff 12 orë më parë

Gmail: Moving and archiving won't delete from the server

Basically, I'm trying to use Thunderbird to clear some space on my Gmail account. I'm using IMAP. However that just won't work (most of the time). If I archive emails to … (lexoni më tepër)

Basically, I'm trying to use Thunderbird to clear some space on my Gmail account. I'm using IMAP. However that just won't work (most of the time). If I archive emails to a local archive or move it to a local folder, a) nothing happens, b) the files are actually moved (and appear in the archive folders)... but the mails remain on the server when checking through Gmail itself. Also, the mails reappear after 10-20 minutes. c) mails are actually moved and they are removed from the server. Mostly it's a or b.

I have tried all deletion options... delete directly (doesn't appear to work), mark as deleted (won't free up space) or move to Trash. Depending on the folder it used to work for a short while, with the mails appearing in the trash folder, ready for deletion. But that stopped working again.

This is all super frustrating and I have no idea if this is a bug or expected behaviour.

Pyetur nga kadajawi 1 ditë më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga kadajawi 14 orë më parë

emails and messaging

I just finally got this put on my new computer and the whole format (arrangement) is not the way I originally had it set up. Need help with setting up how emails receive… (lexoni më tepër)

I just finally got this put on my new computer and the whole format (arrangement) is not the way I originally had it set up. Need help with setting up how emails received and sent out. Thanks

Pyetur nga birdie1942 14 orë më parë

Unable to send messages using Office 365 / Thunderbird for Linux

I installed Thunderbird and typed in my Office 365 email information to connect my account. Thunderbird found the correct IMAP settings, which I verified on Microsoft's w… (lexoni më tepër)

I installed Thunderbird and typed in my Office 365 email information to connect my account. Thunderbird found the correct IMAP settings, which I verified on Microsoft's website. It proceeds to open a browser so I can authenticate my account. After that succeeds it starts downloading all of my messages & folders. I thought everything went fine until I attempted to send a message. I get the following error:

Login to server with username has failed.

It gives me the option to enter a new password, which doesn't make sense since it's oAuth2 but I created an app password to see if that would work, and it didn't. The only other options are cancel & retry which don't help either.

I thought maybe something went wrong with the authentication process so I uninstalled thunderbird and started again with the same results. I've tried many other server settings, but nothing works, so I'm here.

Current Settings:

Server Name: User Name: Authentication Method: oAuth2 Security: STARTTLS Port: 587

I've tried: Using Port 465 / SSL/TLS Using Port 465 / STARTLS Using Port 587 / SSL/TLS Changing Auth method to Normal Password and then using app-specific password. Uninstall / Resintsall

One final thing to note: I followed the same process with my account, which worked flawlessly. I can send & receive fine.

Pyetur nga nicksasso21 16 orë më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga nicksasso21 15 orë më parë

Thunderbird 128.2.2esr (64-bit) - previous version (yesterday for me) was working with office365 - now NOT

I see that part of whats new in this release FIXED = fixed Some users were unable to log in to Microsoft 365 -However NOW with this version I cannot login. Please adv… (lexoni më tepër)

I see that part of whats new in this release FIXED = fixed

Some users were unable to log in to Microsoft 365

-However NOW with this version I cannot login.

Please advise

The configuration settings have not changed re: Authorization. Anyone else with this issue? TIA

Pyetur nga Rudy 19 orë më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga Rudy 18 orë më parë

Unable to send email on one of three personal domains using pop - tech support says it's my end.

since 8/22/24 I have been unable to send email from one of my personal domains. Same install of T-Bird successfully sends SMTP via Gmail and my other domains. I receive… (lexoni më tepër)

since 8/22/24 I have been unable to send email from one of my personal domains. Same install of T-Bird successfully sends SMTP via Gmail and my other domains.

I receive the error shown in the first photo below. Sending of the message failed. An error occurred while sending mail. Outgoing server (SMTP) error. The server responded: ESMTP not accepting connections.

I have been back and forth with the domain tech support. Here are the email content (parsed for easy reading)

Me > I am having difficulty sending email. > I can POP email without issue. > I am using the most recent version of Thunderbird; version 128.2.0esr (64-bit) > When I send (with or without an attachment) I get the following error: error as shown above > I have never seen this error before and cannot find it in your knowledgebase files. > My SMTP settings: > > server name: > Port: 587 > Connection security: None > Authentication method: Password; transmitted insecurely > User Name:

Tech: If you are able to download emails from our server but unable to send out emails through the same, then it is likely that your Internet service provider is blocking port 25 on your local network. For such ISPs, you must use their SMTP server to send out mails on their network. Customer Support - TH

WELL Since I was using 587 that didn't help at all.

ME the error says YOUR server, " ESMTP not accepting connections." This is YOUR error, not my ISP. I was using port 587, my ISP does not block port 25.

Tech try non-SSL using the following: STARTTLS Auth Normal change server name to smtp.<yourdomain>.com

Me No change

Tech Try reducing TLS version back to 1.0

Me No difference. Restored TLS 1.3

Tech return to the server Port 587 STARTTLS Normal full username

ME ok, no difference. That is where we started, didn't work then, doesn't work now. (second photo)

Tech Try port 25

ME Same results

Tech <resets my password>

Me Did you reset my password overnight?

Tech To investigate the issue, we needed to reset the password for, to enable us to configure the Thunderbird email client on our end. The temporary password is "Se!!P)iqk2" We have successfully created a Thunderbird account and were able to send emails through it without any complications. The configurations we utilized are displayed in the screenshot provided below: Port 587 STARTTLS Normal full username

Then change your password.

Me I appreciate your response. HOWEVER the issue remains.

Tech We have already replied to you on this matter.

ME Tried sending on port 465 and it indicated "sending" but hung there. Using Telnet I am able to access the on port 587 but I cannot trigger an AUTH login through TELNET. (see CMD screenshot below)

Tech What is your IP address?

ME It is not static, but today's is (IP address at the time given)

Tech We have done further testing by setting the ThunderBird email client for to both SSL and Non SSL connections. We can see both the implementations being fetched correctly without any issues. <provides two sets of POP and IMAP settings>

ME I can POP successfully, have always been able to. Problem is with SMTP, outbound mail.

Tech Provides two incomplete setting combinations: port 587 port 25 Upon using any of the two implementations, SSL or Non SSL as configured above, there should be no issues in setting up the email client.

The SMTP and IMAP passwords (if asked any) will be the same as your current email account password.

We are unable to replicate the issue you mentioned. Customer Support - TH

ME I am unable to replicate your success. I still cannot SEND email.

Tech We have rechecked and can confirm that we are able to setup the email client on the latest version of thunderbird i.e 128.2.1 as well using the same IMAP settings as shared in previous email. We are afraid that we are unable to replicate the issue you are reporting after numerous tests from our end. As a suggestion, could you try to connect to your mail account from a different network or ISP? Customer Support - TH

ME Again, IMAP is not used on this account the issue is with OUTGOING mail. Tried both SSL and non-SSL settings for outgoing mail will not send.

That's ALL I have right now. I am going out right now to try to send email from a laptop with a fresh t-bird install while sitting in a McDonalds on their wifi...


Pyetur nga michael657 2 ditë më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga michael657 1 ditë më parë

Canon Scanner issue with Thunderbird using MP network EX 2.0

Canon Scanner issue with Thunderbird using MP network EX 2.0, I have 4 win 10 systems all using LiDe200 and 210 scanners with similar problems, 2 systems I can attach ema… (lexoni më tepër)

Canon Scanner issue with Thunderbird using MP network EX 2.0, I have 4 win 10 systems all using LiDe200 and 210 scanners with similar problems, 2 systems I can attach emails to Thunderbird only manually now as the Thinderbird email client isnt shown on the dropdown box only (None attach manually) and the other 2 systems cant send anything at all, comes up with the above and the with a message saying no program is accociated with it, even though Thunderbird is the default email client ............when I try to attached it to an email ............... I have NO IDEA how to fix this and I'm not technically very good either so need answers I can understand and do with out technical jargon I dont understand, I did ask a computer guy who does our systems but he didnt know what the problem was and had no solution for that. I am hoping you can help with it as I'm super frustrated with it, as it came on the back of another Thinderbird issue I have with security exceptions which defies being fixed. HELLLP !

Pyetur nga Keith Buettner 1 ditë më parë

Email "From" field not working. Cannot send.

Hi, Please see screenshot. The "From" field does not have my address and there is nothing to select in the drop down. I cannot type into the body of the email either. Als… (lexoni më tepër)

Hi, Please see screenshot. The "From" field does not have my address and there is nothing to select in the drop down. I cannot type into the body of the email either. Also, when I click on "About Thunderbird" I do not get a pop-up window with version. I am receiving email. Thank you Cams

Pyetur nga cams2 1 ditë më parë

No Message Filters On Configurations

Hi I recently updated to 128.2.1 esr and my message filters are not working. When I open "Tools" > "Message Filters" the filter list is empty but when I open the msgF… (lexoni më tepër)


I recently updated to 128.2.1 esr and my message filters are not working. When I open "Tools" > "Message Filters" the filter list is empty but when I open the msgFilterRules.dat file on my profile the message filters are there. (I made lot's of them.)

Pyetur nga ventolinmono 1 ditë më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga ventolinmono 1 ditë më parë

Cannot see new emails

When I switched my computer on this morning, Thunderbird refused to dowload new emails. Nothing I have tried solves the problem. A message in Crash Reports says: "Shutd… (lexoni më tepër)

When I switched my computer on this morning, Thunderbird refused to dowload new emails. Nothing I have tried solves the problem. A message in Crash Reports says:

"Shutdown hanging at step XPCOMShutdownThreads. Something is blocking the main-thread".

My copy of Thunderbird is up-to-date and accesses two accounts (Gmail and my university account (IMAP)). New emails are missing from both.

Any advice on how to solve this problem would be appreciated.

Thank you,

David Harvey (

Pyetur nga David Harvey 1 ditë më parë

Changing Email Server Host Location

Our email accounts are attached to our host domain name. We are going to be changing the host domain location from a smaller local provider to Spectrum Internet to servi… (lexoni më tepër)

Our email accounts are attached to our host domain name. We are going to be changing the host domain location from a smaller local provider to Spectrum Internet to service. The email addresses 'will not change, only the server host location. As a backup, we are moving all existing emails located in subfolders under the email accounts to the LOCAL folder (creating new "trees" there) so they are in a permanent location to be unaffected by the server change. From my knowledge... we will not create new email accounts in Thunderbird .... only change the server location, ports, etc for that specific email. I want to confirm with others that this should be the plan?

Pyetur nga nancy 2 ditë më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga nancy 1 ditë më parë

Not able to send email; receiving OK

Thanks for listening: Last week, Thunderbird began returning this message with each attempt to send mail: An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded:… (lexoni më tepër)

Thanks for listening: Last week, Thunderbird began returning this message with each attempt to send mail: An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: <> sender rejected. Please verify that your email address is correct in your account settings and try again. I have no problem receiving mail. At the same time, my wife began having the same problem on her laptop, which tells me either Charter, or Mozilla, changed something. I started with Charter. They told me to rename both servers to (outgoing mail was formerly No effect. They then had me log into Spectrum and send a test mail directly from my account. It went through OK and they said the problem had to be on Mozilla's end. Any suggestions?

Pyetur nga tedcomo 3 ditë më parë

Përgjigja e fundit nga tedcomo 1 ditë më parë