Change site permissions in Firefox Klar for Android

Firefox Klar Firefox Klar U krijua:
Askush nuk ka ndihmuar ende të përkthehet ky artikull. Nëse dini tashmë si funksionon përkthimi i artikujve të SUMO-s, filloni të përktheni që tani. Nëse doni të mësoni se si të përktheni artikuj për SUMO-n, ju lutemi, filloni nga këtu.

You can change site permissions to customize how you browse websites in Firefox Klar for Android V101 and later.

Update site permissions

To update your site permissions:

  1. Tap the menu button next to the address bar:

  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Tap Privacy & Security.
  4. Tap Site permissions under Cookies and Site Data.
  5. Tap the permission you would like to update.

Site permissions that can be changed

You can change the following permissions and default settings:

  • Autoplay - Allow audio and video, Block audio only or Block audio and video
  • Camera - Ask to allow, Blocked or Blocked by Android
  • Location - Ask to allow, Blocked or Blocked by Android
  • Microphone - Ask to allow, Blocked or Blocked by Android
  • Notification - Ask to allow or Blocked
  • DRM-controlled content - Ask to allow, Blocked or Allowed

Në shkrimin e këtij artikulli ndihmuan këta persona të mirë:

Illustration of hands


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