Import Bookmarks from an HTML file

Firefox Firefox Përditësuar së fundmi: 07/15/2023 44% e përdoruesve e kanë votuar këtë si të dobishëm
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This article explains how to add bookmarks to Firefox from a file saved in HTML format.

Before proceeding, you should make a backup of your current bookmarks. You can do this by opening the Bookmarks Library window (explained below). From the toolbar in the Library window, click import-export-arrowsimport-export-arrows Import and Backup and choose Backup…. This will create a Firefox bookmark backup file in JSON format.

Import bookmarks from the Library window

  1. Click the menu button Menu button 1 to open the menu panel. Click Bookmarks and then click the Manage bookmarks bar at the bottom.
    Import from Library
  2. The Bookmarks Library window will open. From the toolbar in the Library window, click import-export-arrowsimport-export-arrows Import and Backup and choose Import Bookmarks from HTML…
    Import from HTML macimportBookmarks
  3. Within the Import Bookmarks File window that opens, navigate to the bookmarks HTML file you are importing and select the file.
  4. Click the Open button. The Import Bookmarks File window will close.

The bookmarks in the selected HTML file will be added to your Firefox bookmarks within the Bookmarks Menu directory.

Note: The imported bookmarks will be added to your existing bookmarks, which may result in duplicate bookmarks. You can delete unwanted Firefox bookmarks before importing a new set of bookmarks, but this can be time-consuming.

Import bookmarks from Firefox Settings

Starting in Firefox version 115, you can import bookmarks from an HTML file by following these steps:

  1. Click the menu Menu button 1 button at the top right.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. In the General panel to the left, click on Import Data under the Import browser data section.
    Import data from Firefox settings
  4. Select the Bookmarks from HTML file option.
    Bookmarks from HTML File
  5. Select the HTML file you will import your bookmarks from and click Open.
  6. All set! The bookmarks in the selected HTML file will be added to your Firefox bookmarks within the Bookmarks Menu directory. Click Done to close the Import Wizard.
    Bookmarks from HTML File - success

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