What's new in Firefox for Android

Firefox for Android Firefox for Android Përditësuar së fundmi: 75% e përdoruesve e kanë votuar këtë si të dobishëm
Vullnetarët tanë po punojnë mbi përkthimin e këtij artikulli. Ndoshta versioni në Anglisht mund të ndihmonte ca, deri sa të jetë gati përkthimi. Nëse doni të na ndihmoni të përkthejmë artikuj si ky, ju lutemi, klikoni këtu.

Welcome to a new version of Firefox for Android (version 112). Here are some highlights of bug fixes and enhancements in this version:


  • You can now choose whether to be asked every time you open a link in another app.
    Tap android menu > Settings > Open links in apps > Ask before opening
  • Added a gesture to reload the page.
    Tap android menu > Settings > Customize > Pull to refresh


  • Fixed the issue that prevented 10-bit videos from playing.
  • Fixed the problem that caused full screen YouTube videos to exit and switch to portrait mode when changing quality or speed.
  • Improved accessibility by fixing small buttons that were difficult to use.
  • Solved the issue that prevented small pages from zooming out to 100% on Android.
  • Resolved geolocation timeout issue.

We hope you enjoy this new version. Thank you for using Firefox and supporting Mozilla’s mission for privacy, safety, and inclusion on the Web.

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